Walk - Wonwoo

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Heavily inspired off of Walk by B.A.P. Take what you want from it~

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I got up from bed, not being able to sleep. I should've known even trying to go to sleep early today wouldn't work.

I got up, putting my shoes back on and feeling no different from before I lied down. I got up, and decided that taking a walk might help me right now.

And soon after that I was walking outside in the almost empty sidewalks of the semi-busy streets. The skies were clear, not littered with stars as they usually were.

As I walked down the sidewalk, I saw a familiar store. I looked into the store window, staring directly at a table where me and her used to sit all the time. I remember how she used to complain about how humid or cold it would be outside..

I wonder what she's doing now.. Or if she's seeing anyone. What happened a year ago was terrible, I know it messed me up for sure.. So maybe it messed her up to. It was a rough break up.. at least for me.

I was still really tired, but I probably wasn't going to be able to sleep anyways. Now this is all that's on my mind again.. I almost had it.

Oh, who am I kidding? No I didn't.. I'm such a mess right now. I really don't feel like crying over this again.

I'll snapped out of my short-lived trance, deciding to just keep walking. Maybe I'll forget about it sooner or later.

Now I can't stop thinking about all the good times I had with her.. A lot of memories from that alone are flooding back into my mind. I miss her a lot.. But I guess I'll have to keep going without her. I'm sure I'll be alright.

My mind felt scrambled, like there was some sort of storm inside of it. It took me a few moments to realize that I was getting a call.

I took my phone out of my pocket, seeing that it was a call from Mingyu. I picked it up after a second of staring at it, putting my phone up to my ear.

"..Hello..?" I said, Mingyu responding quickly.

"Hey, Wonwoo.. Where did you go? I was about to come and ask you if you wanted some ramen but you weren't here.." He said.

"I went out on a walk. There's just a lot on my mind and I wanted to get it cleared up." I said.

"Oh.. I forgot. Today marks a year since.." He said, pausing for a moment, "You know what, never mind. I'll just.. I'll see you later. Okay? Be careful coming back, bye." He said, hanging up the phone at the end of his sentence.

I sighed, putting my phone back in my pocket. I feel even worse now for some reason..

I continued walking, memories still fresh in my mind, definitely making it harder to forget about her. I want to see her now, it's strange. After what happened, after all this time I still want to see her face so badly.

She hurt me so bad.. But I still want to just be able to see her again. It's pathetic, I keep repeating it over and over again, but I don't even know what'd I'd do or say.

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