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I walked through the door, taking off my shoes and putting my stuff down. I'm exhausted.. I can't believe they got me to work extra hours, and my phone died earlier so I couldn't tell Joshua.. He's probably confused right now.. Not to mention I had to walk outside in the cold for a little bit, I swear my toes are about to freeze off.

I looked around for Joshua, before I realized that I was hearing the shower running. Depending on what time he got in there, it could be a little while before I could tell him what had happened. We were supposed to go somewhere tonight, so that's probably what he's getting ready for.

It's only seven and we had planned leaving around eight so it's not like we're going to be late or anything, not like we could really be necessarily late. But it'd be nice if he could hurry up so I can tell him about this terrible day.

I decided to go change into something more appropriate since it was going to be freezing. And it was going to kill time anyways so Joshua should be out in no time.

I had gotten dressed, and fifteen minutes later, I heard the shower stop running. Good, Joshua is finally done..

Not too long after hearing the shower stop, the bathroom door opened and Joshua came out drying his hair.

"What took you so long?" Joshua asked, when I could really be asking him the same thing.

"Things got really busy and my phone died. So I couldn't text you and tell you I'd be just a bit late coming back." I said, and he grunted in response as a sign of 'okay.'

"Just hurry up and get ready, we can leave soon." I said, and he nodded and walked off back to the bathroom.

As for what we were doing, we were going to a place that was basically a gigantic Christmas light display. It was really pretty so we just thought, why not? It seemed like it would be fun.

Joshua got ready in those next fifteen minutes and we were ready to go, it was just a bit earlier than planned but that wouldn't matter all that much.

~ huge time skip (I'm sorry D:)

We walked down the sidewalk, through the what seemed to be fully decorated trees, literally. I couldn't really see any bare place on them.

At some random point when we were walking, Joshua had intertwined our hands and we'd been walking like that ever since. I wasn't complaining whatsoever.

I just couldn't get over how cold it was. I was getting to the point where I'd volunteer to jump into a fire place. (Not just sit next to it like a normal human would, definitely not.)

We came to a short stopping point to take a break before we left. It was next to a lake that had those fountains that changed colors. It was really pretty, just sitting here on a bench watching them illuminate the lake every so often. It was quite soothing.

"I'm glad you came with me, Y/n." Joshua said, tracing his thumb slowly over my hand.

"There wasn't really I way I could decline your offer, you would've gotten me to come somehow." I said.

"You're right.. I wanted you to see how beautiful all of this was. I've only been here once before and it seems to have gotten a lot more since the last time I've been here. I'm glad I got to see it again with you." He said, hanging his head down and smiling.

"Yeah.. I'm glad I got it see it with you too." I said.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked, and I nodded before standing up with him.

As we stood up, Joshua turned to face me. He grabbed both of my hands this time, pulling me towards him before connecting our lips.

"Let's go." He said, pulling away and letting one of his hands fall from mine.

(didn't have a good ending so:
the end...roll credits)

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