Late Night Call - Woozi

938 23 4

dedicated to Nia
* not edited


You were on your way to see Jihoon. Who, very knowingly, knew that if he called you at three in the morning, you'd definitely wake up for him. It didn't bother you that much, because he didn't do it often, but you'd only ever be slightly salty if you were having a good dream.

"Alright, baby Satan. I'm here." You said, opening the door to the studio.

Jihoon snapped up to look at you, clearly in a daze staring at his screen. He looked tired, as usual. You've been getting onto him about not getting enough rest, but Seventeen just seems to keep getting busier and busier by the day.. So there wasn't much you could do to tempt him out of it.

"Did you.. Did I hear you correctly? Did you just call me baby Satan?" He asked, and you laughed a bit as you sat in the chair beside him.

"Yes, yes I did.. What are you working on?" I asked, and he slowly looked back to the screen, shrugging his shoulders.

"I'm kind of.. stuck on this one. That's why I called you.." Jihoon had a slight pause before he continued speaking again, "It's just really frustrating. I have to have this done in a few days and I'm not even halfway done with it."

The little smile from your face fell, feeling bad. He's been getting really stressed lately, over all of this stuff.. You wished that he could just take a break. But it didn't seem possible.

"Oh.. Well, I'll keep you company if that's what you need. I brought you this, too. I thought you might need it." You said, holding out the cup of coffee you had made yourself before you left. It was still hot too.

Jihoon smiled, taking the cup from your hand and taking a sip of it, pleased by the flavor.

"It tastes great.. Thank you." He said.

"It's not a problem. I just thought you'd need it because of how you sounded over the phone.." You said, and it made Jihoon happy that you paid attention to things like that, even if it wasn't that serious.

After fifteen minutes of sitting in almost complete silence, as Jihoon took a two second break every so often to take a sip of that coffee, and then continued working on the song. He seemed to be doing it rather quickly for his usual pace, which confused you since he said he was stumped on it.

Then it hit you.

Did he just call you and tell you he needed you.. Just so you would come down here and keep him company while he worked?

You didn't want to interrupt him to ask, since once he started working he was kind of gone for a little while.. But you were getting really sleepy again. You'd give it another fifteen minutes to see if anything changes about him, and then tell him you were just going to go back to your place and sleep.

And sure enough, Jihoon stayed the same.

"Jihoon, I'm gonna go back to mine. I want to get in a few more hours so I'm not resembling a zombie in the morning." I said, and Jihoon quickly directed his attention to you.

"Noooo~" Jihoon whined, smacking you lightly on the arm.

"Yeeeesss~" You said back in the same tone, hitting him back.

This repeated until you started getting a bit violent, smacking him harder and harder each time. It eventually got to a point where you were about to shove him out of his chair.

"Okay, okay! Truce! I'm sorry.." He said, leaning over and pressing his cheek against your shoulder.

You took that opportunity to smack him in the head, and he went back so fast.

"Holy shit!" He shouted, rubbing his head.

You laughed, ruffling his hair and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Call me when you're finished, okay?" I said, and Jihoon pouted.

"..I wanna go with you." He said, taking you a bit by surprise.

"Oh my goodness. Is Lee Jihoon ditching his work because he wants to go home with his amazing girlfriend?" I said, and he nodded.

"Just let me get my stuff, I still have a few days.. And I was already against the idea of you coming here by yourself anyways.. So I'm not letting you go back by yourself." He said, standing up from his chair.

Jihoon had gotten his things, taking your hand as you both walked back to your apartment. He's acting a bit weird right now.. Maybe he's just sleep deprived and wants to just be able to sleep comfortably.. Or whatever.

Once you had gotten back, Jihoon wasted no time getting ready to go to sleep. You chuckled a bit at his rush, as all you needed to do was take off the sweatpants you had slid over your shorts, and you were basically set to dive into your comfy sheets.

And there you were, sitting in your bed, waiting for Jihoon to come in and pass out next to you. You were just messing around on your phone, checking for any recent notifications that you might have wanted to check before you went to bed.

"I'm exhausted.." Jihoon said, trudging into the room and flopping down next to you.

"I'd assume so. It's a little after four.. So I'd go ahead and waste no time going to sleep if I were you." You said, and Jihoon smiled, not objecting.

He snuggled up in your comforter, facing towards you, as if he was expecting something.

You mentally rolled your eyes, leaning forward, and giving him a goodnight kiss like he wanted.

"Goodnight." You said, and he hummed in response.

You cut off your lamp, doing the same as Jihoon and burying yourself in the sheets. After a couple of minutes, you could feel an arm snake around your stomach, and a shuffle from Jihoon burying himself in your side.

He's so clingy when he's tired.. It's so cute.

You felt yourself smile, as you drifted away into slumber with Jihoon next to you.

Waking up to that call was ended up being more worth it then you thought it would.


omg you guys

I finally finished an imagine. Truth be told I've been working on seven different ones and keep writing other things, so I'm thrilled to have finally finished something.. AND I KNOW THIS IDEA FOR JIHOON IS OVERUSED IN MY IMAGINES BUT I CANT HELP IT-

Anyways, more coming soon! (Hopefully if I can focus on finishing one of them)


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