The Snowy War - Seungkwan

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"No! I'm staying in the house!" Seungkwan shouted from the door.

"Come on Seungkwan! It's not as cold as you think it is!" I shouted back.

"I'm standing just at the door and it feels like my nose is about to fall off!" He said, before shutting the door.

God damnit.. I'm getting him out here one way or another.

"I think you'll have to get him out by force." Seokmin said.

"Yeah, I figured so." I said, walking through the snow and to the door. I opened it, seeing Seungkwan curled up in a blanket on the couch.

"SEUNGKWAN COME ON!" I screamed, causing him to jump.

"Stop shouting, and no." He said, turning to face towards the TV.

"Seungkwan I swear to god if you're watching mean girls again I'm breaking the TV." I said, walking towards the couch.

"No! Don't, it's important that I finish this!" He shouted, jumping up from his place and scrambling towards the end of the couch.

"Stop shouting, and no." I mocked, grabbing his arm.

I pulled him up, staring him right in the face.

"What's is gonna take to get you out there?" I asked.

"One right there." He said, pointing to his cheek.

I held my hand up, causing him to grab my wrist.

"No, not a slap." He said.

"Oh, I know what you meant. But if you don't go out there I'm really gonna slap you." I said.

I reluctantly gave the little bitch a kiss on the cheek, and he got up. He quickly got on his coat and shoes, walking with me to the door.

I opened the door, dragging Seungkwan out by his arm. He immediately clung onto me as I shut the door, throwing his arms over my shoulders and burying his face into my back.

"Seungkwan, you finally came out!" Hansol shouted, emerging from behind a snow covered tree.

"Did your Mean Girls marathon get interrupted?!" Jeonghan shouted.

"Yes!" He shouted back.

"Come on, we're gonna have some fun." I said, referring to freezing the others. (By throwing snow at them duh)

He let go of me, still keeping ahold of one of my hands, and walked with me through the snow. We walked around the side of the house, starting our plan.

We gathered up some snow, preparing it to throw at the others. We were gonna throw it then run, we just have to take out one person.

Not everyone was outside running around, but a good few of the other members were outside messing around. I rolled up some snow and looked at Seungkwan.

"Remember, we have to bolt when we throw it. After we see the aftermath, of course." I said, with an evil look at the end.

He nodded and we peeked around the house, seeing Wonwoo, Jeonghan, and Joshua grouped together. I looked at Seungkwan.

"Who should I aim for?" I whispered.

"Joshua, that'd be the most entertaining." He said.

I nodded. I turned back and aimed. Then I threw it as hard as I could. And it hit him right in the face. Both me and Seungkwan gasped as the three of them started to freak out, Jeonghan latching onto Joshua.

"Alright whoever did that, this means war!" Jeonghan shouted, rubbing his hand across Joshua's face.

Me and Seungkwan high fived, jumping up and down before running off to behind the house.

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