Just In Time - Jun

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warning: contains mentions of suicidal thoughts and almost attempted suicide.

request for @elisyilay (all they asked for was a Jun imagine in school I didn't intend for it to get dark, I'm sorry😅)

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I stood next to a bridge outside of the school. I've been visiting here for a while, trying to figure something out. Today I was going to take a chance. A rather.. interesting, kind of chance. I've been analyzing the possibilities for weeks. And today I'm finally going to attempt to see how it'll go.

It was high up, above a river filled with a bunch of rocks. Cars used to drive over it all the time, so it's all rickety and worn out, not to mention it's been covered to the brim with all sorts of graffiti. As to what I'm trying to figure out, it's if I can jump off without surviving.

I just.. I don't know. I feel.. empty. It's like I can jump off right now without hesitating..

Checking around to see if anyone was there one last time, I took a step up on the thin metal that lined the entire bridge, looking over the edge.

As the wind blew and the air around me seemed to grow heavy, I gripped the railing, about to bring myself up. I got an adrenaline rush looking down again, so everything felt like it was going in slow motion. Then suddenly, a voice shouted to me.

"Hey, excuse me! Could you help me?" A voice said, getting closer by the seconds.

My foot slid off of the bottom of the rails, my palms suddenly becoming sweaty and I became lightheaded for what felt like a split second.

I stepped down from the little way I had made it, looking in the direction of where that voice had come from.

An unfamiliar boy was walking up to me, looking distressed.

"You go to this school, don't you?" I responded with nothing but a nod, and he continued to speak, "Well.. I'm a bit lost. I just came here today, and I didn't really get a proper tour of the school. I was wondering if you could show me around to my classes, if you don't mind. I'm Junhui, but you can call me Jun." He finished.

I thought about it for a moment. That would mean.. I'd have to wait longer.. But I guess it shouldn't be too much of a hassle. It's not like it's going to change anything anyways.

"Yeah, sure.. I'm Y/n. Where do you need to be first?" I asked.

He paused for a moment, before he seemed to have had a lightbulb come on in his head.

"..Mrs. Ryu..? I think.." He said.

I don't know why, but I really felt sorry for him.. He seemed lost. Like severely lost. I inaudibly sighed, looking past him at that hell of a school.

"..Yeah. Just come with me. I'll take you to her class.." I said, before walking towards the school with Jun.

It was silent, no conversation between us since we left. But Jun still looked confused. I only knew because I glanced at him every so often to make sure he was still following me. He looked like he had something on his mind.

"Y/n..What were you doing at that bridge?" He asked out of nowhere as we were going up the steps, causing me to come to a sudden stop.

Seventeen ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora