Movie Night - Hoshi

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( Wattpad unpublish this? jfc)

* request for jungkook4lyf3, sorry for the long wait! (also your user, yes I agree- wait I swear I'm a Jimin stan don't @ me)

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I was finishing up taking what felt like all of the pillows and blankets that were in this place. I had plans with Soonyoung to have a sort of movie night. I had even taken the liberty of making a blanket fort just to make it that much cuter. I had taken my chairs from the kitchen table, and put a ton of blankets over them. there was enough space in there to fit both me and Soonyoung.

It wasn't long after I finished that I heard knocking on my door, so I quickly got up and answered it. Greeted by a hug and kiss from Soonyoung, he looked incredibly amused by my creation. He walked over to it, looking at me before kneeling down to go in it.

"Soonyoung, please be careful. It literally took me a hour just to get it to stay up.. And I don't want that to go to waste." I said, watching him trying his best to carefully crawl into the blanket fort.

I didn't know if we were actually going to sleep there, but it looked comfy enough to go on a Netflix spree for a little while if we decide not to. Since we couldn't really see the TV well from in there, I decided just to bring my laptop and we could watch it that way. I had no idea what we were going to watch, but Soonyoung suggested that we watch a mixture of genres in a certain order. He said we'd watch a horror movie in between a sad movie and a funny one, just to spare my dreams slightly. Jokes on him, he gets more scared during horror movies than I do.

"Have you figured out what we are going to watch?" I asked, and Soonyoung nodded.

"I thought about it on the way here.. I've seen all of them but one. I think you'll like them." He said, grabbing my laptop that I already had on the Netflix page.

"If you've already seen the horror movie that's unfair. Because you'll know when all the scary stuff is going to happen and I'd be completely oblivious to it."

"Just because I've already seen it doesn't mean that I'm not gonna get scared by it." He said, and I sighed.

"Okay whatever.. Which one have you not seen then?" I asked, and Soonyoung motioned me over.

I crawled into the monstrosity with him and he pointed to the screen.

"It's the sad one that I was talking about. I've only gone off what people have told me about it but they said it was pretty good." He said, and I realized what movie it was.

I've seen this before..? It was a while ago but I've definitely seen it. No wonder it sounded so familiar. I won't tell him though, I'd rather watch a sad movie I've already seen then watch one I haven't. At least it has a good ending..And maybe I'll see Soonyoung cry like a baby, but I won't wish for it.

As Soonyoung explained the other movies, I nodded along like I knew what I was listening to. I didn't understand half of what he said, but from what I heard the other movies should be good.

We eventually settled down into a comfortable position and Soonyoung pressed play before leaning back and throwing his arm around my shoulder to pull me close. I cuddled up into his side, swinging my own arm over his stomach. I was so comfortable like this..

We got almost through the first movie, and I could feel Soonyoung tense up at the most emotional part. I looked up, seeing Soonyoung with slightly teary eyes.

"Are you crying?" I asked, laughing slightly.

"Yeah, do you have a problem with that..?" Soonyoung said, his voice cracking as he stumbled over his words.

"No, course not." I said, turning my head back towards the screen.

After having multiple heart attacks at once watching the horror movie, we finally got to the last one. I was feeling especially sleepy now, finding it difficult to keep my eyes open until I eventually gave up.

As I completely spaced out after shutting my eyes, I could still hear the movie, and the gentle sound of Soonyoung breathing. I could also hear him crack up every so often..

But it wasn't until I realized I'd fallen asleep, only to be shaken awake violently by Soonyoung.

"yOU MISSED THE BEST PART OH MY GOD-" He shouted at me, which I quickly shushed him because I have very cranky neighbors and they probably wouldn't be delighted to hear Soonyoung's yelling at midnight.

"Just let me sleep, it's late.. You should sleep too you know. You gotta leave early, remember?" I said, and Soonyoung shook his head.

"Not in the morning. I don't have to leave until later. I'll be fine, I swear! Can you just stay up until it's over? Pleeaaassseee..?" Soonyoung begged, batting his eyes.

"Don't do that. And fine.. But don't wake me up if I fall asleep again. I'll break your hand." I said, the threat obviously empty.

"Psh.. Whatever. You're lame." Soonyoung groaned, and my only response was punching him in the side.

He yelped, deciding to stop bothering me.

I did stay awake until the movie ended, but I don't think Soonyoung was aware because of how quiet I was being.

I felt him shuffle around and let go of me for a minute, presumably to go put the laptop up and get ready to go to sleep.

It wasn't too long before he came back. He attempted to get into the same way he was before he got up, me held closely to him.

"I hope that you enjoyed watching those with me, sleep well." He said, planting a kiss to my lips before cuddling up towards me and finally attempting to go to sleep.

I felt a smile form on my lips. Tonight was really great..

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Hello everyone! I finally wrote something.. Idk why I just got a sudden burst of inspiration at 2 in the morning. I've been feeling too productive lately..

Hope you enjoyed this! (it's not edited either so there may be some awkward phrases or something but yayyyy that's all bye)

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