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I stood outside of the room, trying to prepare myself for whatever mess this Christmas party was about to be. Jun invited me here to hang out with his band mates for a little Christmas thing, and being the good friend that I am, I agreed to it. (After fifteen minutes of nonstop persuasion from Jun, that is.)

It didn't take long for someone to open the door and let me in, telling me that they'd go get Jun. And two minutes later, the boy himself walked over to me with a huge smile on his face.

"Hiiiii Y/n~!" Jun said over-enthusiastically, wrapping his arms around me as far as he could manage.

"Hi Junhui..Can you let me go now..? I can't really breathe.." After I said that, he was a bit reluctant to, but eventually let go of me with a salty look on his face.

"I'm glad you came. I didn't really know if you would since it took so long to convince you." He said.

"It didn't take as long as it would have been if it wasn't for your constant whining." I said, and he pouted while brushing off my comment like I'd never said it.

"Alright, just come on. I want to show you the decorations and appreciate them because I helped put them up." He said, and I just slightly shrugged in response and started to walk with him.

I could already see all of the decorations, they were kinda crooked or messed up in some places but I could at least see the effort.

"What do you think?" He asked, my attention turning from the messy placed Christmas lights to him.

"Good." I said, lying just a little bit to make him feel better about them.

He smiled, satisfied with my answer.

"Do you want to go get something to drink? You already know it's alcohol free thanks to..a certain someone.." Jun said, shifting his eyes over to the obvious.

"Sure. That's what I'd prefer anyway. Let's go." I said, and we walked side by side to the kitchen.

He stopped me right before going through the door.

"Stay here, I'll go get them." He said, and I nodded with a confused face.

A few moments after Jun walked into the kitchen, I heard bickering coming from in there. What's going on..?

I started to walked into the doorway when Jun came there at the same time, almost running smack into me.

We both froze. Before hearing a yell.

"oH MY LOOK ABOVE YOU TWO OOOOHHHH~" A voice rung out melodically, making me look up in an instant.

it was mistletoe.

I looked back at Jun, feeling the calmness in my body being replaced by pure panic.

I didn't know what to do, but Jun didn't do much hesitating before he leaned down and gave me a kiss on the lips, and as he stopped he backed up.

"Sorry Y/n, it's the rules, isn't it?" He said with a smirk.

oh my god.

I hate him what the heck-

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