Chapter 1 (Peter)

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I hope my sophomore year will be better than my freshman year

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I hope my sophomore year will be better than my freshman year. God, last year was terrible. I didn't mean to trip and fall into Jack Mitchell. I had bruises for weeks. This year is going to be much better... I hope. Now that I have my new special powers I don't have to worry about anyone beating me up. I can't imagine what Aunt May would do if I told her about them. Actually... I know exactly what she would do. First, she would freak. Second, she'd think I'm kidding. Third, She'd believe me. Fourth, She would just about have a heart attack. And Fifth, she would threaten to lock me up if she caught me using them.

My summer was pretty great though. Olivia Minear noticed me for the first time ever. She is a Junior this year. I'll admit that I've like her, but not that long. Okay, fine, I've liked her since grade school. God, she is gorgeous though. Her wavy blonde hair and her brown eyes. Wow, listen to me. I sound like an idiot. I "met" Olivia at the news station. No, I didn't know her dad owns the company. I decided I'd get a news reporting job to help out my Aunt with our apartments rent. So I briefly talked with her throughout the summer. She's said hi a few times I've passed her in the hallways at school. 

Harry and I were thinking that since I have these powers I should put them to good use to help out people. Before my Uncle Ben died, he always told me growing up that "With great power comes great responsibility." So towards the end of the summer, we started making a suit for me to wear. Harry did a lot of the research and I did most of the experimenting; especially with my webbing. I'm planning on making web shooters and, let me just say, making them is a pain in my ass. Harry recommended that I wear a spandex type of suit. I wasn't too big on the idea until he rambled off all the many reasons why I should. My Aunt May likes to sew, so we asked her if she would teach us for an assignment at school.

She thought it was an odd assignment and asked lots of questions that Harry and I were fortunate enough to have answers. After learning from May, we went out and bought spandex materials. We didn't know what colors to get so we spent an hour at the fabric store discussing what colors the suit should be. We finally decided on blue and red. We decided we'd add detail later. We had to come up with a name also. Since I was at Harry's dad's lab when I got bit by the spider, we decided on "Spider-Man." We were both pretty proud of our final product. It took weeks to finish it with more and more school work piling up but finishing homework has never been a problem for Harry and I. I guess you could kind of consider us nerds or science geeks. 

So I finally hit the streets with my new suit. I swung all around Queens looking for people to help. Harry built a mini headset in my suit so we could do the missions together. He would sit at home and tell me where there were reports of problems. He'd give me ideas on how to deal with robbers and criminals. As a reporter it's hard to get a great story with great pictures so, I hang my camera up when I fight criminals and then I write about Spider-Man saving the day. Olivia's dad liked my work and always asked how I got such great pictures. I just shrug and smile.It was great being a hero.

At school this week we have a big project in College Biology. So Harry and I partnered up like always. As Harry and I were brainstorming ideas, I saw Mallory Schultz sitting by herself with her head down low. I don't know much about Mallory but I've noticed that she doesn't really hang out with anyone at school. 

"Hello? Earth to Peter," Harry yelled waving his hands in my face. I jump and look back at Harry.

"What? Sorry... Do you think Mallory has a partner for the project?" I asked looking back over at Mallory.

"Probably not... I've heard that she doesn't have many friends. Do you remember Stacy from last year? Her and Mallory were good friends but Stacy moved away and now I've heard Mallory keeps mostly to herself now," Harry responded. 

"Well, we should ask her if she wants to join our group. I've heard that she's really smart," I suggested. Harry shook his head.

"What?" I asked.

"If you really want to, you can try. Mallory is very independent. Trust me, I know. I remember asking her in 6th grade if she wanted to be my partner for and English project because I liked her and you weren't in my class. She said no," Harry said.

"Harry, that was 6th grade. She could have changed. Maybe she just needs a friend right now. Apparently, a lot of the girls in out grade are mean to her. I've never seen it but that's what I've heard," I said. Harry shook his head again.

"I guess I wouldn't mind another partner but good luck with asking her to join us, you'll need it," Harry responded. Everyone around us was working so I quietly got up from my desk, walked over, and sat on the desk next to Mallory.  She was writing in her notebook. She didn't look up.

"Hey Mallory," I whispered. She slowly looked up. Her dark coffee brown eyes met his. There was a little shock on her face to see me. I briefly smiled.

"Do you have a partner for the project?" I asked in a low whisper. She looked around the room.

"No, but aren't you with Harry?" She asked in a low whisper. She looked over at Harry, who was brainstorming ideas in his notebook.

"Yes, but you looked like you didn't have a partner so we thought we'd ask to see if you would like to join us," I replied. She sat still for a moment as though she were thinking about what she would say. She looked back at me.

"No, I don't want to bother you two," She whispered. She looked back down at her notebook. Her hair fell in her face. I looked at her notebook. She wasn't writing, she was drawing. Sure enough, she was drawing Spider-Man. I smiled. 

"Do you like Spider-Man?" I asked. Mallory looks up and shuts her notebook shut. Her cheeks begin to redden.

"Umm...yeah," She replied sounding embarrassed. I smiled at her again.

"I think Spider-Man is really cool. Your drawings of him are really good," I assured her. I talked to her the rest of class. I never knew how nice Mallory was. 

"Sure, I'll join you," She replied as I got up to leave. I smile. She weakly smiled at me. The bell rang informing us it was the end of the period. 

"Do you want to meet up with Harry and I sometime then?" I asked. 

"It'll have to be later in the day because I have swim practice," She picked up her stuff. 

"Okay we could meet tomorrow at my place after you're done," I suggested.

"Okay, sure. See you then," She smiled and walked out the classroom door. I felt satisfied with myself that I was able to make someone's day a little bit better. I hurry over to the door where Harry was waiting for me. 

"So that's a no then? You spent the whole period trying to convince her," Harry laughed. 

"No, she said she would join us. It took a little while but she said she would," I replied.

Harry's jaw dropped an inch. 

"How?" He asked. I laughed. I smiled and shrugged. 

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After school, Harry and I  cleaned my room because all of our Spider-Man tech was all over. If May or Mallory saw it, we'd be in trouble. As we were cleaning I remembered something.

"Hey, Harry. Today during biology, Mallory was drawing Spider-Man in her notebook," I said. Harry looked over at me.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yeah, she said she liked him. So at least now we know people kinda know who he is," I replied. Harry nodded his head chuckling. 

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