Chapter 4 (Mallory)

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There was a buzz around the school about the encounter of Spider-Man at the old mechanic shop on 42nd street

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There was a buzz around the school about the encounter of Spider-Man at the old mechanic shop on 42nd street. I couldn't help but smile everytime someone mentioned him. The police looked at the security footage from the store and it was released to the news media. Spider-Man definitely has quite the personality. He was so funny from the video footage. Peter wrote an article in the paper and he got really great pictures. He had to be in a great spot to get them. I wish I knew who Spider-Man was so I could personally tell him how much I appreciate his efforts. I wonder how old he is. On the footage, his voice was a little muffled but you can tell that he is younger. I wish I could have been there to watch him take down the robber. 

I sat in our advisory period sketching Spider-Man because I had nothing better to do. My mom had me join the art club because she says I'm great at drawing and it would be good if I made a few more friends. She caught me drawing Spider-Man after school one day and she insisted that I join the club. So now that is what preoccupies my time after school. The swim season ended last week so now all I have is art club. 

I usually go home and eat lunch, but today I decided to stay at school. I saw Harry and Peter sitting at a circular table by themselves. I haven't talked to them in awhile. I sat down across from them. Harry looks up from a notebook he's writing in and smiles. He looks over to Peter who is staring across the cafeteria. Harry rolls his eyes. He nudges Peter and he jumps. Peter stared at me. It looked as if he was studying what I would do next.

"Um... Hey, guys. Is it okay if I sit with you?" I asked. Harry smiles even bigger than he did before. 

"Absolutely, your welcome to sit with us anytime," Harry replied. Peter was still staring at me with the same expression as before. Harry nudges his arm again.

"Ah, yeah... no problem," Peter muttered. He forced a smiled and looked back over across the cafeteria. What was he looking at? I turn around to see that he was staring at a table of Juniors. Olivia Minear sat there with her boyfriend Jack Mitchell. Olivia's closest friends sat with her and their boyfriends too. I turn back around to see Peter still staring. Harry leaned toward me a whispered in my ear.

"He is like this every day during lunch unless he's working on homework. He constantly stares at one of the junior girls," Harry said the last part a little louder on purpose hoping that Peter would hear him and he did.

"What? Hey! No, I'm not. They're just... they look... I mean... Ugh, nevermind," Peter said crossing his arms shaking his head. His cheeks began to glow red. Harry laughed and laughed. I laughed with him. It's been a long time since I had laughed like that. Peter continued to sit there with his arms crossed like a little boy who didn't get his way. Out laughing was drowned out by the sound of our principal speaking on the school intercom. 

"Good Afternoon everyone. I'd like to announce that our Winter Fest is starting in the next few weeks so don't forget to sign up!" After he finished the announcement the bell rang declaring that the period was over.

"Um... well, see you guys tomorrow," I said. I don't have any more classes with them after lunch.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow," the both said. Peter was looking at me this time when he spoke. He continued to study me. I started to find it a little weird. I mean sure I did the same thing a little while ago (I had my reasons) but I didn't make it as obvious as he does. I left the cafeteria for my next class. Behind me, I could hear Harry ask Peter something. I turn my head around and I see that they were watching me leave. I quickly turn around and walked faster. 

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