Chapter 25 (Harry)

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Mallory and I left the house and followed Peter. He stopped at an old building in New Hampshire. Mallory and I parked the car in the back and found a way inside. We quitely made our way in the dark abandoned building. We could hear screaming. Painful screams. We hurried, running towards the cries of pain. We saw two men beating the crap out of Peter. Well, Spiderman.

Peter screamed in agony every time. May yelled  at the men telling them to stop. I know May doesn't know that it's Peter. Mallory was going to run in and help but I stopped her. They would only kill her. The men hit Spiderman again. This time they ripped of his mask. May screamed. A man with talons coming from his back held Peter up. The other man stabbed him with a sharp blade. I screamed.

"Peter!" I yelled sitting up. I look around me. It... It was only a dream. It was 3:20 am. I wasn't going back to sleep after that. I look out my window to see a car sitting outside my house. My parents couldn't be home yet. They were supposed to be gone all week on a business trip for Oscorp. I quickly get dressed and grab my things.

As I got outside, I realized that it was Mallory's car. I hurried over. She was sitting in the passenger seat, so I got in the drivers seat. I threw one of my bags in the back seat and handed Mallory my other bag full of tech and tools. I turned to face Mallory. God she was beautiful even though her face was red and full of tears.

"Mallory? How long have you been here?" I asked. I could hear Mallory sniffling.

"Mallory please tell me," I say.

"Since 3 am," Mallory quietly says.

"Why didn't you call me then? I would've came out sooner," I said.

"I wanted you to get rest," she says.

"Thank you but you can call me next time so you're not sitting here alone," I say.

"Thanks," she grinned.

"I have some things in that bag that could help us save Peter," I say pointing to the bag I handed her. I turn on the car and start driving.

"Okay," Mallory said as she pulled things out of the bag.

"Those are web shooters I designed myself. I've been trying to make a webbing fluid similar to the stuff that comes out of Peter's wrists but I haven't been able to. I have my calculations in the notebook in there. If you want to check it out," I say.

"Why does Peter need web shooters if he already has webs coming out of his wrists?" Mallory asked.

"well, Peter can't control the webbing without them. The web shooters make his webbing thin and strong so that he's able to swing from the webbing instead of shooting a bunch of webs everywhere. We're trying to come up with different kinds of webs that the web shooters can make, like web grenades or something," I said.

"That's really cool. I'll take a look at the formulas," Mallory said.

"Quick question, where are we going?" Mallory asked. I sighed thinking about my dream.

"New Hampshire."

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