Chapter 7 (Peter)

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I was dreading going to the Winterfest Dance

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I was dreading going to the Winterfest Dance. I need to take pictures of course. I still have massive bruises from my fight a few days ago. I've healed faster than a regular human being would though. I still feel lots of pain. So I'm sure that if I wasn't Spider-Man, I would have died. Thankfully I've been able to hide the bruises pretty well from Aunt May. She saw the bruises on my face. I told her that we were doing a skit in my English class and that bruises were painted on my face to add effect. 

She thought it was cool and found the bruises to be so realistic. Even though I've been in pain, I still have gone out almost every day to look for Kingpin and Dr. Octopus. I was still upset that I lost them but Harry is right, I can't win every battle. Aunt May helped me get ready for the dance. She said that even though I'm just there for pictures, I can still dress up. I wore nice dress pants and a white button up shirt. I had to look on YouTube to figure out how to tie my tie. I was difficult but I finally got it. Aunt May said she was so proud.

I told her it's only a tie but she said she didn't care. She was still proud. I had enough money saved up to buy myself a car so I did last week. So, I grabbed my camera and got myself into my new fresh-smelling car. I would have picked Harry up but he was picking up Maggie. He told me that I was his best friend but I was on my own tonight. I respected that. He's got the chance to take a wonderful girl to a dance. He told me I only had one thing to do tonight and it was to have fun. I scoffed at him and told him that we'll see. 

I pulled up to the high school and parked my car. When I got inside, I headed to the gym where the music was pumped up and everyone was starting to dance. The lights were dimmed. There was a disco ball in the middle of the gym. I took as many pictures as I could. Everyone seemed to be having a great time. I just wanted to get out. Dancing was fun but I was just not in the mood. I took lots of pictures of Harry and Maggie. I hoped that they would win the games at the end of the dance. I felt a tap on my left shoulder. I turn around.

Mallory was standing there smiling. I stared at her. Mallory is interesting. She could be the happiest person on the planet and everyone would know or she could be so quiet and kept to herself that you wouldn't even know she's there. I wondered why she was always approaching me. I thought she was mad at me or didn't like me by the way she stared at me. But here she stood in front of me smiling in a beautiful white dress. Her dark brown hair was curled and rested on her shoulders.

"Hey, how is picture taking going?" Mallory asked. I was frozen in place. Wait, what did she just ask me? She tilted her head and looked at me funny.

"Oh... um... it's going great," I replied. Why Peter? Why? 

"Have you been on the dance floor yet tonight?" She asked.

"No. I've been busy with my camera. I've got to get it done for the school, you know?" I said.

"Yeah, but someone dressed as nice as you should be out on the dance floor enjoying themselves," She said. I could feel my cheeks getting warm.

"Thanks but I'll leave the dancing to the pros. Why aren't you dancing? You look fabulous enough too, to be out there dancing," I responded. She laughed.

"The Pros? I may not be a pro but I know how to dance. I was dancing but I didn't know anyone around me and it got boring real quick. Do you have enough pictures?" She looked at my camera. I held it up.

"Um... no probably not," I replied. 

"Oh come on Peter, you've got plenty. You should enjoy yourself tonight."

"No that's alright. I'm fine right here taking pictures."

"That's not an option. I've received strict orders that you are to have so much fun tonight that you'll want to go to more dances," Mallory laughed when she said this.

"What? Strict orders? I can only imagine who gave them to you," I smiled, "Let me guess. These orders came from Harry." I laughed. I looked for Harry in the crowd of people. He was dancing with Maggie and her friends. He was laughing. He was having a great time and I'm glad he was. Harry caught my glance and smiled at me.

"What? Harry would never give such orders," Mallory laughed. We laughed together. I have to admit I was having a decent time. I shook my head.

"I'm sorry. I can't dance next to such a talented dancer. You'll make me look bad," I said.

"Oh, whatever Peter! If anything, you'll be the one who blows everyone out of the water," She laughed.

"Is that a swimming reference?" I asked because she's on the swim team. She just laughed and smiled. I grabbed my hand and started to pull me towards the dance floor. I pulled back.

"No really, I can't dance Mallory. I'll embarrass myself... and probably you!" I exclaimed. Mallory just smiled.

"We can embarrass ourselves together. Come on Peter. I have to complete my orders, but not only that. I want you to have fun tonight because you're my friend. So, let's go!" She pulled me with all of her strength. I set my camera down and let her pull me. We danced like there was no tomorrow. Mallory definitely knew how to have fun. This was the Mallory that everyone loved and missed. I haven't seen this Mallory since Stacy left. This was the first year that I actually got to know Mallory otherwise she's just been another girl in my classes... or has she?

I walked off the dance floor after awhile. It started to get really warm. I sat down next to my camera. My phone started to buzz in my back pocket. I pulled it out. There was and alert for a crime at the bike shop on 5th street. I quickly grabbed my stuff and headed for the door. Mallory caught me.

"Hey, you're leaving so soon?" She asked. 

"Um, yeah. My Aunt needs me home and I've got plenty of pictures. Plus I'm not feeling the greatest after all that dancing. Thank you for pushing me out there. I really needed it," I smiled. She smiled back.

"I, uh, hear there's a theft at the bike shop on 5th street. I bet you Spider-Man would be there. Harry's said you've always wanted to see Spider-Man. So, Bye. I ran out of the gym and to my car where it was parked in the parking lot. I quickly changed into my suit in my car. I left my car in the parking lot because it would be quicker without it. I wasn't going to fail, because this time, I have a plan.

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