Chapter 19 (Peter)

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I ran into the apartment

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I ran into the apartment. I opened my apartment door to find that everything was in its usual spot. Nothing had been moved. I was confused. What was wrong?

"May?" I yelled. No answer.
"MAY?" I yelled again. Still no answer. She didn't work tonight so she should be home. I started searching the apartment for signs.

"AUNT MAY?" I continued to yell. I found a note on the window in the living room.

If you want her back, we need your suit.
Warners Old Warehouse.

I screamed! Why May? Why did they have to take May? I noticed another note under the first one.

Look down.
From your buddies

I look down to find I'm stepping on an explosive pad. I look around the room to figure out what to do. If I step off this pad the whole building will go up in flames. Come on Peter, THINK! I noticed that May's phone was on the ground where I was standing.
She must have called 911. I pick it up and call 911 again.

"Yes, hello? I would like to report a bomb. Please hurry!'

I set the phone down. I luckily already had my suit on. I waited until I saw police officers outside. I took a deep breath in. I wasn't going to let the bad guys hurt my May, like they hurt my Uncle. I close my eyes.

"I'll save her, Ben. I promise," I whispered and stepped off the pad. Flames were instantly around me.

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