Chapter 28 (Mallory)

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I set up our traps as fast as I could without getting caught. It was odd that the room was a cylinder shape with large poles in a circle in the middle of the room. It looked almost like a test lab. I should have read the sign on the building before we came in. I could hear Peter stalling by talking to the men.

I started to set up one of the mini explosives Harry made. I attached it to the pole I was behind when something slammed into the front of the pole. It scared me and I jumped but I was able to keep quiet. I realized it was Peter, who had gotten thrown into the pole. I moved even faster setting up our trap. I wasn't going to let them hurt any of us.

"Guys this is getting really old. I still don't understand why you're collecting all these things?" Peter said. His voice was muffled because of the suit. He was trying to buy more time. I wonder if he knows we were here.

"I think this is fun throwing you around like a twig," one man said.

"Enough Dr. Octopus. We're building something. Something big and we need your suit to finish it. So give it to us, now!" The other man yelled. I looked over and saw that May was conscious but she was badly hurt. I quickly finished and tried to get over to her.

"I'm sorry, I can't do that. I know you're going to hurt a lot of innocent people with that. So I can't afford that to happen," Spiderman said. He tried getting up but fell on his injured leg. He quickly got up again trying to hide his mistake.

"Well, then I guess I'll have to take it by force," the other man said. The man he called Dr.Octopus pinned Spiderman down. He ripped off Spiderman's mask. Peter's face was bruised and he was bleeding on the side of his head. All of a sudden I could hear Aunt May scream. She tried to get up but she couldn't. I was trying to get to her as fast as I could. The other man, who wasn't holding Peter down, pulled out a large sword-like dagger. My heart stopped. I stopped running and watched in shock.

"Goodbye Spiderman!" The man said and lifted the sword into the air. My heart thought before my brain did. I ran into the circle of poles. I exposed myself. The men's backs were to me.

I screamed.


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