Chapter 27 (Harry)

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Mallory scared me when she yelled to stop the car. When I asked her what was wrong. She started to shake, pointing at a building out her window. I had to get closer to see what she was pointing at but then I saw it. It was a yellow pullover sweater that definitely belonged to Aunt May. There wasn't a doubt it was hers.

I quickly pulled into the back parking lot of that building and checked my phone. Peter also stopped moving. He was in the building, according to the tracker I placed in his web shooters. I gulped. Mallory quickly got out of the car and picked up May's sweater. She folded it and gently set it in the car. I grabbed my bag full of the things for our plan.

We found an entrance in the back of the building. For some reason the building looked really similar.

It was an old building with a lot of rust. We slowly walked in trying to be quiet and listen for noises. We continued to walk through the building when we heard a yell.

"Was that Peter?!" Mallory whispered.

"I'm not sure."

We kept walking, trying to find where the noise was coming from. I just hoped that my dream wouldn't come true. I still couldn't believe how real the dream felt. Mallory stopped in place. She pointed at a small door in the corner of the room we were walking in. I nodded.

We slowly and carefully got through the door. We could hear more talking.

"We're surprised how fast you found us." One voice said.

"Well, I wasn't going to let you two bozos out run me." I knew that was Peter. We had to hurry. I lean towards Mallory and whisper in her ear.

"We need to start the plan now. You take half and I'll take the other," I whispered. Mallory silently nodded and we quickly and quietly took things out of my bag. Then we split up. There were large poles around the room so it was easier for Mallory and I not to be seen. The room was circular. I still didn't understand why the room looked so familiar just like the rest of the building.

I quickly set our traps around the whole room. Running from pole to pole without getting seen. Peter had to have known we were here. He would have sensed it.

"You don't understand."

"Yes we do, now hand it over otherwise we're going to kill her." One of the men said. I looked up from what I was doing and peeked my head behind the pole to see what was happening. I could see May lying on the floor behind the two men. She was injured and bleeding. I could see Peter in his Spiderman outfit on the other side of the men.

"If you want it then you'll have to come and get it."

"Enough games Spiderman. We've already injured you and we can easily kill her so give up the suit now! Or else she dies!" The other man yelled. I could see that Peters left leg was wounded and the he was limping on it. What was Peter going to do? He wouldn't let them hurt May.

"Fine. Fine, you can have the suit but you have to promise to let her go unharmed," Spiderman said.

"We don't make promises to puny children like you," one of the men said.

"Then I can't promise to give you the suit either," Spiderman said and he shot webs at the men, but the quickly dodged it and instead hit Spiderman, making him fly across the cylinder room. He hit one of the poles surrounding them in a circle. Spiderman groaned in pain. I started to freak out because this was becoming my dream.

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