Chapter 30 (Harry)

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I dropped my screw driver. I was frozen in place. How did Kingpin know I was here? I swear I didn't make a sound. I stayed where I was, I didn't know what to do. I finished the last trap and quickly started wiring everything to a small remote control I had in my hands. I listened to the conversation as I worked.

"So what's it going to be Mr. Parker?" Kingpin asked.

"I'll come with you if you let all three of them go right now," Peter said. I tried to hurry.

"Peter No! You can't!" Mallory yelled.

"Mallory I need you to be quiet and listen to me," Peter said. I finished! It was done! I look from behind the pole to see Peter turn around and put both arms on Mallory's shoulders.

"I'm doing what needs to be done and I need you and Harry to do the same. I need you to get May to a hospital. I need you to take care of her right now. Okay?" Peter asked. Mallory nodded. Her face was red and her eyes were full of tears. Peter walked over to May and hugged her. She wouldn't let Peter go.

"Alright boy, let's go. Your friend can come out from behind the pole, we know he's there," Kingpin said.

"Harry, you can come out," Peter said. I remember when Peter first told me he was Spiderman, we came up with a special word to signify there was a back up plan. Most of our plans involved bombs. I pulled out a mini cherry bomb from my bag. I stepped out from behind the pole. Everyone was staring at me. I stood there awkwardly for a second it two and then I lit the small cherry bomb in my hand.

"Peter! CHERRY BOMB!" I yelled and threw it at the two men. The one Kingpin called Dr. Octopus jumped back in fear. Kingpin began to laugh.

"Boy, did you really think a cherry bomb would do anything to stop us?" Kingpin asked and continued to laugh.

"Oh I knew it wouldn't do much. I knew it would by me a little extra time though," I said. I grinned at the men. They were still laughing but they had only just realized what I said.

"PETER! NOW!" I yelled and hit a button on my remote control. The bombs we set, went off immediately. Peter quickly moved and got May and Mallory out of the way. I ran from the flames. I ran to the small door Mallory and I came through. I was able to avoid the flames.

Peter Set Mallory and May down next to me. He held out his had and I gave him the remote control. He ran back into the circular room. I wanted to follow him but flames rose immediately as soon as he ran in. He was trapped with those men.

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