Chapter 22 (Harry)

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I stood waiting with Mallory to hear from Peter. How could I do this to my Best Friend? I sent him straight into a trap! I had the emergency calls radar on and I heard Peter's Aunt, May, screaming into the phone for help. I had to tell Peter; otherwise, he would've never forgiven me.

We should have came up with a plan instead of just sending him in there. Well, there's nothing I could do now. I look down at my phone. It was dead! WHAT? I had just charged it! I turn to Mallory.

"Do you have a charger? My phone died. Peter might have called and I missed it," I asked Mallory.

"Yeah," she said wiping tears from her face and digging in her coat pocket. She really was beautiful. I don't understand how she didn't have more friends than just Peter and I. She was so sweet and lovely. I used to have a crush on her but I don't like her like that anymore. She's a good person. She's very genuine. Peter is very lucky to have someone like her. Mallory finally pulled out a charger.

"Thanks," I say and quickly plug my phone in. After 10 minutes, my phone turns on. Mallory and I both check the screen.

"Oh my god," Mallory says putting her hands over her mouth. I had a call from my girlfriend, Maggie, a few texts from friends at school and a call and voice message from Peter. I quickly open my phone and we listen to the message Peter left for us.

"Hey Harry, its Peter. I'm calling to let you and Mallory know that I'm fine. I'm alive and not injured... I think. But don't worry about me. I'm going to save May! They took her Harry. They took her!" 

Peter began sobbing into the phone. I could hear Mallory start to cry. I felt tears start to roll down my face. May was like his Mother. She practically was his mother.

"They took her and she's all I got left Harry. I can't just leave her. I won't let them hurt her like my uncle. Please, I'm begging you not to follow me. I'm.... I'm sorry, But I've got to go. Thanks for everything Pal."

I started to cry with Mallory. I remember Ben. He was a really cool dude. He was the coolest uncle ever. I can't believe Peter's going alone.

"Who's 'they'?" Mallory sniffled.

"They're the guys Peter's been trying to catch for the last month and a half," I replied.

"You need to call him," Mallory said.

"I'll try but I doubt he'll answer," I said dialing Peters number. No answer. I dialed again. Still no answer. I dialed once again but he didn't answer. I was going to dial again but Mallory stopped me.

"Harry, it's no use. I want him to answer as much as you do but he's not. He has his mind set on saving May and nothing's going to stop him. We can find another way to help him," Mallory said. I nodded. I knew she was right. We walked over to her mom and told her that Peter called and said he's safe. We decided to go back to our homes. I pulled up a picture of a Peter and I from the dance on my phone.

 I pulled up a picture of a Peter and I from the dance on my phone

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God I hope he's okay. I just hope Peter doesn't make any rash decisions until we can help him. What was he planning? Why did he say 'thanks for everything pal?' He wouldn't die? To save May? Yes he would.

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