Chapter 41 (Mallory)

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Of all the tests, it had to be a blood one. The room instantly grew tense when Peggy said she needed a blood sample. We all looked at Peter. He looked really pale. We all watched as Peggy drew a little blood from Peter's arm. She left the room.

It was a little awkward to tell Peter that Harry and I were together, since Peter and I had something together. Harry and I spent a lot of time together when Peter was in the hospital and we just clicked. Harry is great, he is an amazing boyfriend. I just don't want Peter to feel left out or upset, since he's waking up and thinking that Aunt May was kidnaped yesterday.

Peggy comes back.

"He's free to go. We are going to have him in a wheelchair for the week and then next week he'll be okay to walk," Peggy says smiling and a few nurses come in to help get Peter ready. Aunt May brought a fresh pair of clothes with her for Peter. She helped him get dressed as the nurses got the wheel chair and unplugged him from all the machines. Harry grabbed mine hand and lightly squeezed it. I look up at him and smiled. He gently kissed my forehead.

"Finally," he whispered into my ear. Finally Peter was coming home.

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