Chapter 29 (Peter)

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Spiderman can't end like this, I thought. I couldn't end like this, but there was nothing I could do. I was strapped down. I thought about Uncle Ben and how I have now failed him. Kingpin lifted his sword into the air. This was it. Spiderman was going to die. I closed my eyes tightly together.

"STOP!" I heard someone yell. I open my eyes. It was Mallory. How on earth did she find me? I felt Dr. Octopus' grip loosen on me as both of them turned around to see who yelled. I shot webs at both of them and I was able to free myself from Dr. Octopus' grip. I jumped up as best I could with my injured leg. Kingpin had already tried slicing me open when I first got here.

But I was able to get up. I shot webbing at both Kingpin and Dr. Octopus. They both yelled in frustration. Dr. Octopus came at me. I dodged all of his metal arms but one and it sent me flying into another pole. Man did that hurt. I got up but I was hit back down again. I watched for a pattern of how I was getting hit. Once I found it, I was able to dodge all of the metal arms this time and throw Dr. Octopus across the room into a pole. I ran at him but I was stoped.

I heard a scream come from Mallory. I look back and see Kingpin hold both Mallory and May by their shirts.

"Peter, I've got the leverage. Now it would be wise if you to hand the suit over. I'm done with your games. If you want them both to live, I want the suit," Kingpin said with a mischievous grin. I sighed. I started to take off the suit.

"Put them down. Now," I said sternly as I pulled the top part of my suit off. Kingpin listened and set them down gently in the corner.

"Actually, I want to change our deal just a slight bit," Kingpin said.

"No we had a deal and you're going to leave them alone. You will not touch them ever again-" I started but Kingpin cut me off.

"Now Peter, Im going to make you a better deal if you just listen. You are a bright young boy and I believe you could actually be a big help to my boss. You see Peter, you're definitely going places with that mind of yours. So if you come with us without a fight, your friends will never see us again," Kingpin said.

"No we made a deal, I give you the suit, you let us go unharmed," I say.

"Well, then I guess we get to keep your other friend hiding behind the pole," Kingpin said. I heard a loud clang of something hitting the ground.

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