Chapter 3 (Peter)

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I could never be more thankful for my powers

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I could never be more thankful for my powers. It's truly a gift. Stopping that burglar the other night was spectacular. I did it so smoothly and it felt effortless. I was shocked to see Mallory there though. She was in a car across the street watching it all. I waved to her. I thought I probably shouldn't have done it but I'm glad I did because she had the biggest smile on her face when she waved back. I didn't tell Harry that she was there because I didn't think he'd care and it's not a huge deal anyways. 

Mallory came over for the next two weeks with Harry and me to work on our project. We all were extremely proud with how it all turned out. We did the best in the class. We didn't talk much to Mallory after that. I tried to approach her several times throughout the days during class but she would always hurry out the door. I thought maybe she has some issues at home or something and I thought it was best to leave her be. As the weeks went on, I sometimes caught Mallory staring at me. It wasn't just any staring, she glared at me. She always had a puzzled look when she looked at me. It's really strange. Was she mad at me? I forgot about it because I had no idea and I didn't have time to figure it out. Every day at lunch, I watch Olivia Minear walk over to her group of friends who sat at a table in the middle of the cafeteria. She'd smile at me every day as she'd walk by the table I was at when I waved at her.

"Dude it's not going to happen and you better quit staring at her before it gets creepy," Harry leaned over and whispered in my ear. Harry and I sat at our own table at lunch.

"What? I'm not being creepy. And who said anything was going to happen? I'm just... just.... Admiring her," I responded but regretted my answer as soon as I said it.

"Okay whatever you say, Peter. You know she has a boyfriend, right?" Harry asked. I look away from Olivia to him.

"She does?" I ask dumbfounded. 

"Yes, it's Jackson Mitchell. So I'd leave her be; otherwise, he might give you a black eye like last year," Harry pointed out. I don't need another one of those. I told Aunt May that I accidentally ran into some kids out on the street that I didn't know and they beat the crap out of me. I didn't need her calling Jacks parents or the school to deal with it. I learned my lesson. Stay away from Jack and don't bug him. I immediately became disgusted.Why would she ever date someone like him??

After school one day I caught Olivia at the News office. 

"Hey, Olivia!" I said, my voice was slightly shaky. Her blonde hair was curled and her brown eyes were warm. The smile on her face made the butterflies in my stomach go wild.

"Oh hey, Peter. How are you?" She asked. She seemed to be in a rush. Do I dare ask her about Jack?

"I'm good, how are you? Sorry but I don't mean to be weird or anything but I was just wondering if you were dating Jack Mitchell?" I asked. It was a risky and bold move to ask her that. Crap, why did I ask that? She looked at me kind of funny.

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