Chapter 6 (Mallory)

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The Winter Fest was in four days and I decided that I wasn't going

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The Winter Fest was in four days and I decided that I wasn't going. I didn't have anyone to go with. I made a few friends from art club but I don't know if they're going. I felt like I had real friends when I sat with Harry and Peter at lunch. I was walking to my first-period class when I saw Peter at his locker. He was wearing a hoody and he had his hood up. He never wore his hood up. He kept his head down. I walked up to him.

"Hey, Peter."

Peter jumped when I said his name. He turned around. His left hand covered the left side of his face. 

"Oh hey... Mallory," He said he quickly turned his head around, hiding his face.

"Is everything alright?" I asked. I gently put my hand on his shoulder and turned him around slowly. He resisted me turning him and turned the opposite direction.

"Peter," I said sternly. He sighed and let me turn him around. I pulled down his hood. I gasped. His face was all bruised all the way down to his neck. His neck looked worse than his face. It was all blue, black, and purple. 

"Peter are you okay? Do you need to see the nurse?" I was concerned. I looked at his eyes. He wasn't looking at me. He was looking down at the ground. 

"No. I don't... don't need a nurse. I'm fine," He said. His voice was a little shaky. There was no life in his coffee-brown eyes. 

"See, I'm fine," He said. He forced a smile as if to look like he was alright. I could tell it hurt to smile. 

"What happened?" I asked. He turned away from me and back to his locker.

"Nothing, I'm fine. I can take care of myself. Thanks, but you can go now," He said. He slammed his locker shut and pulled his hood back over his head. He left. I stood there watching him leave. What happened?

At lunch I found Harry sitting by himself. I sat down next to him.

"Did Peter... Did he go home?" I asked. Harry looked up from his phone.

"Oh hey Mallory," He smiled, "Um, yeah, he did," He responded. 

"That's good. He looked like he got banged up really hard," I said.

"Yeah, he sure got quite the hit," Harry said. He set his phone down on the table. He pulled out a notebook from his backpack.

"Do you know what happened?" I asked. Harry quietly chuckled.

"No, I'm afraid not. He didn't say much about it. I just let him be," Harry said.

"Oh, okay. Are you and Peter going to the Winter Fest?" I asked. I really hope they are because my mom wants me to go.

"Yeah, I'm going with Maggie and Peter has to take pictures for the school paper. Otherwise, Peter isn't going with anyone. Are you going?" Harry asked.

"I wasn't planning on going but my mom says it would be a good experience," I replied.

"Well, Maybe you could get Peter to have a little fun. Maybe even get him to dance,"Harry winked. I blushed.

"Oh Harry," I said. He laughed. His laugh was adorable. I laughed with him.

"No, but I'm serious. Peter is going through some tough stuff and he likes to blame himself for things he can't control. He needs a night to himself to have fun. I'm sure you could get him there," Harry mentioned.

"What about you? His best friend. Don't you know how to cheer him up?" I asked. Harry chuckled. 

"I have tried. At the Winter Fest, I'll be hanging out with Maggie while Peter is busy taking pictures. He won't take pictures the whole time but that will be his excuse of not having fun. You should go. I'm sure he'd enjoy having a friend there with him," Harry said smiling. I blushed again.

"Does he really consider me a friend?" I asked. It was a dumb question but... oh well. Harry looked at me kind of odd.

"Of course he does. You're probably the only friend he's had that's a girl," Harry replied.

"What about the girls he talks to in class?" I asked confused. Everyone liked Peter. Anyone would be lucky to have Peter as a friend.

"Psh... he only talks to them about homework and stuff like that. Sure a few girls try to flirt with him, but he doesn't really pay attention to that. I do though," Harry laughed, "Just kidding."

"Sure you were Harry," I laughed. 

"But seriously Mallory, can I trust you to take care of my best friend on Friday night? And make sure he has fun?" Harry asked smiling. I laughed.

"Yes, you can trust me," I responded.

"Alright, perfect! It can be our little secret," Harry whispered. I nodded and smiled. 

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