Chapter 44 (Peter)

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I still couldn't wheel chair myself so Harry did. After school, Harry, Mallory, and I decided to visit the Oscorp building in central New York City. Harry had an emergency key card to get into the building. With that key card, we were able to get past all of the security and into the lab areas, where Harry's parents were.

I remember our field trip here a few years ago. It was the same day I was bit by that radioactive spider. I was walking home after school and I felt a terrible pain on my neck. I hit my neck, killing the spider. I brought the spider home and tested it because this wasn't just any kind of spider bite. That's when I found out it was a radioactive spider. Soon after, I figured out how to use my powers.

My powers, I can't believe I haven't tried using them. I look around and no one is looking. I try to shoot webbing at the closest table. Nothing happens. No, no, no, please no. I try again but nothing comes. I try again. Again!

"Peter!" Mallory harshly whispered elbowing me in the shoulder. I stop and put my hand back on my lap. Harry's dad walks out of an enclosed lab.

"Harry, what are you and your friends doing here?" His father asked.

"Well, you remember my friend Peter. We were wondering if you could run a few tests on him. He hasn't gained his strength back and we're concerned," Harry said.

"We're very busy Harry but if it's really that important to you I can try to fit him in. It'll be about an hour. We have a few things that we need to finish at this moment and then I can set some things up for him. Is that okay?" He asks. Harry nods.

"Alright, I'll see you in a bit," His father says before turning around and walking back to the lab. He wore a long white lab coat and safety goggles on his head. I've always wanted to work at Oscorp. That's what Harry and I have planned to do.

"Wow, I'm surprised he'll help. My dad is always so busy and I've never really had a long conversation with him," Harry said in slight shock. Mallory grabbed Harry's hand as Harry started to lead us out to the waiting area. He was going to push me but I insisted on doing it myself. Harry and Mallory walk ahead of me as I followed behind. As they were walking and I was wheeling, I saw a sign that really caught my eye.

It said Biocable Development Unit. I rememberd the briefcase Aunt May gave me years ago. It was my fathers and in inside the case were science files. I gave up on it because I didn't understand any of it, but now I think I do. All of his files were labeled biocable Development.

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