Chapter 2 (Mallory)

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Why does high school have to be so lonely? I mean, If you don't have any friends at school then what's the point of going

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Why does high school have to be so lonely? I mean, If you don't have any friends at school then what's the point of going. Sure some would say, you go for your education but it's not only that. You should enjoy high school while you can because it'll be different in college. I really do like school but it's just not fun when you don't have any friends. Stacy and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember and now she has to move 5,000 miles from me?? I've never really liked many of the girls at our school. They always wore too much makeup, newest and nicest clothes, act dumb in front of boys and more.

That's why I no longer have any friends. I'm considered a nerd I guess. Stacy and I were, but I don't like that term. I'm good at math and science and I'm on the swim team. So it's not like I go home and do homework 24/7 or obsess over books and movies like the typical nerd you would see in movies. Freshman year was great because I had Stacy with me every step of the way but now? Sophomore year... was going to be the hardest and worst year yet. I'll try to make friends but I doubt they'll last. Okay enough with the negativity.

I'm going to have a great year and maybe I'll make some great friends. The first few weeks of school weren't as bad as I thought they would be. Sure sometimes I sat alone at lunch but I was fine with it because it was a time I could finish homework or read without anyone interrupting me. 

After the first few weeks of school, things got harder. The classes got harder, the homework got harder, and swim practice got harder. We had a project in biology and I planned on doing it myself because I knew I wouldn't have a partner. The craziest thing happened though. Peter Parker invited me to join his group! Peter is incredibly smart and I still don't know why he would ask me. Sure I didn't have a partner but I didn't need one and I didn't want to slow him and Harry Osborn down. My main reason was that I didn't want to embarrass myself. I remember in 6th grade that Harry asked me to be his partner. I said no because I liked him and I was afraid of embarrassing myself or messing up. 

I eventually regretted saying no but I can't change the past. Peter saw my sketches of Spider-Man and I got embarrassed. I think Spider-Man is so amazing and brave for fighting crime in Queens because there's a lot of it and a lot of people who need to get caught. I felt a little better when Peter said he thought Spider-Man was cool but I was still embarrassed. I hoped that Peter would leave so I wouldn't embarrass myself anymore; but, he didn't. He stayed there and talked with me. It felt nice to have someone to talk to and listen to me. Of all people, it was Peter Parker. I've always found him interesting. He's very quiet, smart, and pretty clumsy. I could never see him being a superhero like Spider-Man. Who is Spider-Man? He has to be a regular person behind that mask or maybe he's not human. You never know nowadays. The Avengers are really cool and they have Thor who's from another world so anything is possible! 

Before Peter got up to leave, I considered his offer once more. I decided to join them. I told Peter and he smiled. Like I said before, he is interesting. He's never smiled at me like that before. Guys... I can never understand them. Anyways, I can consider myself pretty smart so if all three of us are in a group, we could have one heck of a project. After swim practice was over my mom picked me up and we went to get groceries. It was late and I was exhausted from practice so I told my mom I would wait for her in the car. As I sat there waiting, all alone with my thoughts to myself, an explosion came from the jewelry store across the street. The big explosion of flames made me jump. A masked man wearing all black came out of the store with flames all around. He carried a big bag that looked like a potato sack. My only guess was that he caused the explosion and that in the bag was jewelry he has stolen. 

I knew the right thing would be to confront him, but if he could blow up a store, I'm sure he'd have no problem dealing with a 16-year-old girl. I couldn't move either. I was frozen in place. Besides, it's not like I can do much anyways. People started to crowd the street to see what all of the commotion was. Everyone started looking up and pointed. I look up to see what they're all looking at. All of a sudden, a flash of blue a red swooped down onto the street. It was Spider-Man!! He shot his webs at the robber and was able to distinguish the flames. It was amazing to watch. You could hear sirens coming toward the jewelry shop. 

Spider-Man looked around to see where the sound was coming from. As he looked, he saw me sitting in the car and he stared at me for the longest time, or at least that's what it felt like. He slightly waved at me and I waved back smiling. He then took off swinging over my car and through the buildings. He was gone. My mom came running toward the car to see if I was okay. 

I assured her I was more than okay but I couldn't help but smile at the thought that Spider-Man waved at me.

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