3. Sibling fights?

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Cameron didn't say anything to me half the car ride back to his. It was the most uncomfortable thing I've ever experienced.

"You're great at conversations." I tell him with a fake smile.

"Why would I want to talk to someone who just tried to ruin my career?" He asks rhetorically.

Tried to ruin his career? All I did was have one conversation with fans. He's so not famous anymore.

"You're such a drama queen." I huff and roll my eyes.

"Rae you know nothing about this industry. One bad thing said about me could ruin me, especially when it's from my own sister!" He raises his voice like it's supposed to make me care more, it doesn't.

"All I did was say the truth. If you don't want that to get out then you shouldn't do it." I tell him.

He's the one who never told anyone about me. He acts like we have this perfect relationship. He's the one who lies.

"You make it seem like I'm this horrible brother." He sighs. Maybe cause you are.

"Well you're not a good one!" I yell finally saying how I feel. I usually just throw something at him, it's my way of expressing my emotions.

He looks at me with this sad face like he agrees. Does he agree? I always thought he was too obsessed with himself to see he's not perfect.

"I know we're not that close, but what did I do for you to think that?" He asks. Is he actually considering my opinion? I never prepared for it to go this far.

"Do you know anything about me? My likes, my dislikes? Do you even consider how I feel when you act like I don't exist?" I ask feeling the anger enter my body.

I rarely get sad, only angry. I'm not the crying type. I'm a hothead.

"I flew you out her to see me." He says thinking that makes all the difference in the world.

Yes, cause being forced to come here and being away from my friends is definitely going to change my mind and  make me think you're a good brother. Accurate.

"I didn't want to come here! I wanted spend my summer hanging with my friends and-"

"Drink, do drugs, and hook up with guys. Tell me how letting you do those things makes me a better brother." He cuts me off.

"Those things are what I like to do! It might not be your lifestyle, but it's mine!" I yell and he just shakes his head.

"You're a sixteen year old girl! You should be focusing on school and looking at colleges. Not throwing your life away for nasty habits." He says sounding more disgusted than before.

Shouldn't we be at his place by now? I just wanna get of this car.

"Not everyone can be as perfect as you!" I yell back at him. I'm considering jumping out of the car.

"Are you that jealous of me?" He asks and I wanted to slap him.

He is such a selfish asshole! To actually think this is all out of jealousy!

"Are you that arrogant? I promise you Cameron, I wish to be nothing like you! You're a self absorbed liar! You make everyone think you're perfect because you can't stand having one bit of imperfection! Then when someone points out one little thing that's not perfect you think they're jealous! Did you ever think maybe, they just don't fucking like you?" My throat felt scratchy after yelling this much.

"I'm so done with your disrespectfulness. Mom is, Sierra is, and everyone else is! You need to learn to not be a brat and be grateful for what you have!" He screams. Of course what I'm feeling is wrong. I'm always wrong in everyone's eyes.

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