17. Surpise

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"Can't I wear one of those shirt dresses and vans?" I ask Mercy as she hands me this white dress. It looked like something a ballerina would wear.

"No! You dressed like this will show him how much tonight really means to you." She claims as she picks out a pair of shoes.

I felt like her Barbie. She already did my makeup and straightened my hair. Now I'm being put in an uncomfortable dress and heels.

"I don't know. Doesn't this seem like too much. I'm kind of a simple person." I say while looking in the mirror. I've never wore this much makeup in my life. I didn't even look like me.

"People get dressed up for special occasions. You two getting together is a special occasion." She smiles. Her and Grayson were more excited about tonight than me.

I'm excited too. I'm finally going to be okay with having feelings. I'm going to be a good person.

"I'm going to let you change." She says and closes the door. I don't know if I even know how to put a dress on.

I get out of the robe Mercy had me in. I guess she has this inner princess that Grayson brings out. She finally doesn't have to be strong all the time.

I slip on the dress and try to figure out how to put on these shoes. They were tan and had lots of unnecessary straps. After what felt like an hour I finally get them on.

I walk to the mirror listening to the click sound. I could barely walk in these. I felt like a baby deer learning how to walk.

I was shocked when I saw my reflection. Not for the usual reason of being ugly, but cause I look different, really different.

I look like I tried for once. I usually have bed head and wear the makeup I forgot to take off the day before, but now I look pretty.

I look innocent. Maybe I should wear this to my court date.

I walk out of the room and into the living room. I only almost fell three times.

I look up and my eyes widen. Grayson put fairy lights everywhere as if they were stars. There was a table with a red table cloth and had lots of fancy food on it. He even had stupid, slow love songs playing quietly.

"Woah, you look like a girl." Grayson says making me look at him. Mercy smiles feeling accomplished.

"I did such a good job!" She yells making Grayson put his arm around her.

For once I admire what they have. I don't even think of jokes when I see them like this.

"Ethan should be here any moment. You should stand behind us so it's a surprise." Grayson suggests and I do as he says. This is his plan after all.

He really did a great job decorating this place. It looked like something you would see off of tumblr. I was taken out of my thoughts when I heard Ethan.

"I don't know why you think that!" We hear him yell. Maybe he's on the phone.

I hear the door unlock and I start to get nervous. I need to stop, I'm acting like a pussy. I just want him to like everything.

"Rae is selfish bitch who just wants sex from guys and takes advantage of them! I could never like someone like that! I hate her actually!" I hear him yell and I felt a pain in my chest. Why does my body hurt?

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