26. Bad blood

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I was sitting next to Ethan on his couch. I was laying into him as we watched a movie that I wasn't paying attention to.

I came over to ask if he wants to come to my place for dinner so he can meet my family. We still haven't discussed about the other night. I don't even know if I should call him my boyfriend.

Only Cameron and Sierra will be there, so it's not like he has to meet my entire family. It's been an hour and I still haven't been able to ask him.

I kept picking and biting my nails. That's all I can do when I'm nervous. I can't focus on anything, but the thing that's making me feel like this.

I look up at him and his eyes were still glued to the screen. Maybe if he was ugly I'd be less nervous. He looks down at me and I instantly move my eyes back to the screen.

I hear him sigh and he leans forward to grab the remote. He picks it up and pauses the movie that was playing.

"What's wrong?" He asks sitting back again. I move my body slightly away from his so I'm not laying on him anymore.

"Nothing, I'm fine." I try to lie but this kid's eyes can see right through me. It's like he has some super power. He just tilts his head and gives me his 'really?' look.

"Okay! I have to ask you a question that I'm nervous about." I tell him and he just smirks.

Why is he smirking? Does he already know? How would he know?

"If it's the whole are we official thing, you don't have to ask. I was just messing with you the other night. I like making you nervous. Of course we are official." He tells me and I could feel some of the butterflies in my stomach fly away.

"So technically you're my?" I start to ask but he cuts me off as usual.

"Boyfriend and you're my girlfriend." He finishes and I nod.

Well at least we got that out of the way, but what about dinner? I still have to ask about that.

"There's another question." I say softly making Ethan nod telling me to ask it.

"Since we're official and all. It'd be nice if you agreed to meet my family tonight." I say not even making eye contact.

No guy ever wants to meet the family. I'd freak out if I had to meet all of his.

"I don't know." He trails on and I interrupt him.

"It's not my whole family! Just my brother and sister. I promise it won't be bad." I try to convince him to come since I already told Sierra and Cameron that he's coming.

"And they know I'm coming?" He asks seeming really nervous now. He kept running his hands through his hair.

"Yes." I respond putting my hands on his arm trying to calm his nerves.

"And they're okay with it?" He asks like it's crazy that they want to meet him.

"Yes, they wanted me to ask actually." I smile thinking that it'll help, it didn't.

"And it's tonight?" He asks while standing up and pacing a little. Is he this scared to meet them?

"I can tell them you got sick and we can reschedule. I didn't know you'd be this nervous." I say while getting up and walking towards him.

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