33. Jamsine

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I wake up to the loud ass construction workers outside. I stand up and go wash my face since I was too upset to last night. Then everything hits me.

Ethan and I aren't anything anymore.

I knew long distance wasn't going to work but I expected it to last at least two months, not one week. Maybe it's for the best.

I walk downstairs and wipe my tears incase my mom was home. She'd ask a million questions if she saw me crying because I never cry, well at least I used to never cry.

She was sitting at the counter drinking coffee and was on her laptop. She's usually always doing something that involves work. I go to the fridge and get out orange juice.

"How was Dylan's party last night?" She asks and I stop dead in my tracks.

I'm telling you, she has a chip in me or something!

"Mom I didn't even drink or anything. I just went to see friends." I explain and I wasn't necessarily lying. It's not like she would believe me since I used to lie about everything.

"You didn't ask and therefore you get punished. Something you're not that used to because I usually just walk away, but not anymore." She says while I pour my juice in a cup.

I'm probably not allowed to see Dylan for a week or something. She's not going to be good at punishing me considering she's never done it.

"How long am I grounded for?" I ask turning around and she had an evil smile on her face.

"You're going to clean the attic!" She says and claps her hands a little.

She's been begging Cameron to do it for three years now. He's always too busy or something to do it. Well now I have to.

"No! Cameron is supposed to do that, not me." I start but she just shushes me.

"It'll be clean by time I get back from running errands, got it?" She asks and I just roll my eyes.

She grabs her purse and leaves. I go to my room and put on spandex with a loose tank top.

I don't even know how to get to the attic. I know the door to it is in Sierra's room. I go in her room and pull the string that makes the door open and the ladder come down. I climb up probably ten times to get all the cleaning supplies up there.

This thing was full of dust. I swear if a rat comes out I'm going to scream. All we kept in the attic were things we didn't use anymore and our own boxes.

Each one of us had a huge box or two with our name on it. It had our things my mom kept since we were babies. It also had our birth certificate and stuff in it so we don't lose them.

I turn on my speaker and play music on Spotify. For some reason god wanted to punish me and play every sad song in the world. This is helping me get one Ethan.

I decide to dust first and then sweep it up. After an hour of cleaning it didn't look that bad anymore. I even sprayed that stuff that makes wood shiny and smell like lemons.

I was moving the boxes around when I saw mine. I could take a little break to look at my baby stuff. Maybe that'll make me feel better.

I open it up and the first thing I see is a photo album. Here was this baby with curly hair and big blue eyes. I smile looking at the pictures of my family holding me. This was back when my actually liked me. Once I started talking I was horrible.

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