35. Together again

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I wake up hearing Ethan's soft snores that would usually annoy me now sound comforting. I turn over and see his messy hair covering his eyes. I start playing with like I did when I would wake up earlier than him.

It's morning already. I came here in the afternoon, I slept that long? I must of been really tired.

Are we back together? I know I need him right now and I'll admit that, but do I need him as a boyfriend? I wish things could just go back to normal but nothing is normal right now.

He told me he loves me. I think I love him, so am I obligated to say it back? I never even thought about saying it. I'm still in shock that he was even my boyfriend to think about that.

"I missed this." He admits in his morning voice. It's a lot deeper in the mornings, it almost sounds like Grayson's.

"Me too." I tell him and I wasn't lying. He puts his arm around me and pulls me into him.

"I'm going to make you happy again, I promise." He says and kisses my neck. I smile knowing that I'm already feeling better just being with.

Ethan is the only one who could ever make me feel calm, even when I feel like I want to kill someone. He's also the only one who could make me feel like the luckiest girl even if I wasn't.

"As my boyfriend?" I ask trying to figure out what we are. Are we back together?

"Only if you want that too." He responds as he sits up and I do the same. I didn't even know what to think.

I can't judge him on one fight we have. He's done so much more good than bad. It'd be wrong of me to not forgive him for saying something stupid.

"Yeah whatever." I smile and he wraps his arms around me. He starts kissing me everywhere and I tried to push him off.

"Stop! You know I don't like being all romantic and shit!" I yell and he just continues. He literally does everything I tell him not to do.

My stomach growls loud enough for both of us to hear it. I didn't eat anything beside half a pretzel yesterday and didn't eat the day before. When I'm upset it's hard for me to eat.

"You hungry?" He asks as he finally gets off of me. I nod realizing not eating for two days actually does have an affect.

"I'll go make you something." He says and gets up. I follow him out of his bedroom and into the kitchen. I sat at the bar as he made pancakes.

Neither of usually cook because we can't. We usually order in or go out. Grayson attempts to cook but Ethan won't eat it and he won't even let me eat it. He says he's doing me a favor.

I go on my phone and take a Snapchat of Ethan cooking. He had no shirt on and looked really good. I never noticed how muscular he is like he has huge back muscles. I post on my story and exit the app.

Ever since the fans found out about us they've found every account I have. They even know my Pinterest account, I haven't been on it in forever. They freak out when they see anything with us.

I don't really mind it since I'm used to it with Cameron, but I'm not used to them paying attention to me. They seem to accept it and I think it's cause I'm Cameron's little sister. No one wants to hurt the baby sister of someone who's equally as popular as the twins.

"Hey I'm done, can you go wake Gray and Eden up?" He asks and I furrow my eyebrows at him.

Eden stayed the night? With Gray? Ethan just smirks at me and I know he knows something wrong I don't.

"They made it official." He chuckles finally telling me. I smile and run to his room.

I'm so happy my best friend is dating probably one of the nicest girls I have met. After Mercy I was worried that it'd be hard for him to find someone. She's literally perfect! She's so kind and innocent.

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