39. Suspensed

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I was getting ready for school. Oliver was sitting on my lap as I did my makeup. I'm such a sucker for puppies.

I get up and put him in his doggy bed that I bought him. Once I left the room he followed me so I guess there was no point to it. I get downstairs and Cameron was making breakfast for me like usual school mornings.

"I swear that dog follows you around more than Ethan does." Cameron laughs and I just shake my head.

"I thought you liked Ethan now?" I ask as he puts eggs and bacon in front of me.

"I'm never going to like any of your boyfriends, but I do approve of him." He states and I roll my eyes. He acts more like my dad than my actual dad.

I actually haven't talked to my dad in awhile. After finding out I'm adopted I didn't want to talk to either of my parents.

"Have you talked to Gina?" I ask refusing to even call her mom anymore.

"Yes, she's worried about you. I told her you'll talk to her when you're ready and that she should of expected this." He answers and I feel satisfied that he was on my side for once.

"I should get going and in my new car!" I exclaim still super happy that I have a car. I've had my license for a couple of months but never got a car.

"Drive safely." He smiles and I grab my keys. Oliver follows me to the door and I pick him up to give him a kiss. I put him back down and then walk out the door.

I get in my car and drive to school. That's so weird to say, MY car. Like my own car. It still hasn't settled in yet.

I get there and park near Tyler. I get out and I see him standing with his friends. I walk up to him and he smiles at me.

He grabs me by the wrist a little to hard and pulls me towards him. His hand goes to my hip and I felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Seems like she wants more." One of his friends chuckles and look at him confused. I push Tyler's hand off my hip.

"What are you doing?" I ask feeling disgusted that he knows I have a boyfriend and is touching me like that.

"Babe you don't have to act like last night didn't happen. Everyone know everything." He laughs and pulls me back into him.

Last night I watched criminal minds with Oliver and ate pizza. Tyler was not involved what so ever.

"Don't call me and nothing happened!" I yell pushing him off once again and now stepping back so he can't touch me.

"Everyone knows you two hooked up, you don't need to play innocent." Another one of his friends laugh. By now a bunch of people were around us and all had their phones out.

"There's really no need to record this, nothing happened." I tell the people hoping they would listen. Of course they didn't.

I can't do anything stupid or this will go everywhere and Cameron and Ethan will hate me. Just keep denying everything, Ethan will believe you.

"Nothing except us getting it on!" Tyler yells and all his friends start cheering. They're actual pigs.

"I didn't sleep with you, I have a boyfriend!" I yell at him. Why would I sleep with him when I have Ethan. Old Rae might have but not new Rae. Not the Rae who's trying to be better for Ethan.

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