21. Not my sister

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I stare at the bag filled with drugs. I don't do half of this shit, all I do is smoke weed. I need to get rid of this, but how?

Without Viper or Kat I can't sell. They set up the deal, all I did was do them. I do have the numbers of some people who are in gangs or just do these type of drugs. I can sell to them.

I grab my phone and text Tyler, the kid with the gang with the cool shoes. He probably knows people who want it.

I throw my bag in the closet and go downstairs. The past couple of days I've done nothing but watch criminal minds on Netflix.

I don't want to hang out with Mercy because she's usually with Grayson who happens to have the same exact face as Ethan. Well, not exact. Ethan is more man looking to me, but that's just me.

Ethan. My mind always goes back to Ethan. Why can't I just get over him already? It's been days since that talk and I still feel sensitive about it. Maybe I should order a pizza, that'll help.

I grab the remote and pause the show. I ain't missing any part of criminal minds not even for pizza.

I call Pizza Hut and order a cheese, thin crust pizza. Obviously it was a large. Once I get off the phone I realize I need money from Cameron.

"Cameron! I need twenty bucks!" I yell facing the stairs. Last I saw of him he was in his room editing his new video.

Maybe he's wearing his headphones. I really don't want to walk all the way up there when I just walked down here. I decided the pizza is more important than walking up stairs.

I walk up to his room. I open the door to see no one in there. Where is he? He probably had to go do something for Sofia. She's such a needy bitch.

"Fine, I'll just use my own money cause my own brother can't be away from his girlfriend for twenty minutes." I huff as I walk to my room to get my money.

I walk in and see my bag in the middle of the floor. I swore I put that in the closet before going downstairs. I look and see everything that was in my bag was now on my bed.

What happened? Who's been in here? I quickly grab the knife I keep in my dresser. I turn around and just see Cameron.

"Oh my god! Why would you scare me like that?" I sigh. I actually thought someone was in here.

"What the fuck is this shit!" He yells pointing to the stuff on the bed.

Oh shit. Why was he going through my bag? Isn't there a law about invasion of privacy?

"Why were you going through my stuff?" I ask and put the knife back.

"Don't turn this around and make it seem like I'm wrong! You're keeping drugs in my house!" He yells obviously not getting over this anytime soon.

"I'm getting rid of them, don't worry. Even I don't do anything that hard." I laugh slightly, but he wasn't joining in.

"This isn't a laughing matter Raeanna! If a cop saw this my career would be over! My life would be over! I'd be in jail for years!" He screams throwing my bag on my bed.

Here we go again, back to ruining his precious career. He's honestly obsessed with himself.

"Don't worry, you'll get your best friend to throw out your case. Because you're Cameron Dallas, you get everything you want like the spoiled brat you are!" I yell. How did we get back to this? Everything was going great.

"I did it to help you!"

"Help me or you? Cause I don't know anymore. Did you take me to therapy cause you're worried or cause you don't want to be known having a crazy sister? You don't want anyone ruining the Dallas name!" I'm still convinced he does everything for his career.

"Believe it or not people actually care about you Rae! I know it's hard for you to understand that cause you don't know how to feel anything!" That's not true anymore. I do care, I care about Ethan. Right?

I literally came up here for twenty bucks. Not to have this discussion with my moron of a brother.

"I'm done here. I have a season of criminal minds to finish." I say and grab money from my wallet. I walk out and go downstairs.

"You think you can just end a conversation cause you don't want to hear it? Well it's the fucking truth! You ruin every good thing given to! You can't even go a day without hurting someone!" He yells while following me.

He's not right Rae, you know you're different now. You hurt Ethan again though. But you did it to benefit him in the long run.

"Stop! I'm not like that! I told you I'm getting rid of the drugs hopefully by tonight! Just drop it!" I scream not wanting to hear any of that anymore.

"Get rid of them by selling? Yeah, that makes everything perfect now!" He keeps going and I just roll my eyes. When is my damn pizza going to get here?

"It's better than keeping them here!" I fire back. I don't know what he wants from me right now.

"Can't we just throw them away?" He asks and I look at him like he's crazy.

Throw them away? What the fuck is wrong with him? Those drugs are worth more than his car.

"No! That's like throwing thousands of dollars in a garbage can!" I yell and he just chuckles.

Why is he laughing? I thought he was mad.

"You know I really thought you changed. I really thought you stopped selling and was ready to become a better person. Obviously you aren't." He sighs and I'm surprised he stopped yelling.

"It's not like I'm doing them. It's not my business if other people do, that's their life. All I'm doing is giving them what they ask for." I try to explain myself but even I know that won't work out in my favor right now.

"It's illegal."

"So that automatically makes it wrong? Since when do the laws know everything?" I sounded like one of those people who hate the government. I could careless, I just want to smoke weed.

"You know what? I'm done. I don't care anymore Rae. You finally are getting what you want, a brother who doesn't care. If you get in trouble don't call me, because all I am right now is someone letting you stay at their house. You are not my sister anymore and I could careless what happens to you." He says and I was shock.

I've wished many times not to be his sister, but I didn't think it would actually come true.

"Cameron, you don't mean that."

"I don't? Get in trouble and find out. I'm done helping you change. You said it yourself when you got here, this is who you are. Well then be who you are, but I don't have to associate with someone who wants to ruin everything for me." He finishes and walks away.

Well that was an unexpected turn of events. Thought he was going to just ground me some more, not give me total freedom. He acts like I need him.

The doorbell rings. That must be my pizza. They couldn't come ten minutes earlier so I could of avoided most of that conversation.

I answer and pay the guy. He hands me my pizza and I shut the door. I walk in and put it on the counter as I go to check my phone. I got a message from Tyler.

I'll hook up a deal for tonight. Be by backstreets at eleven.

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