15. Jealousy?

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"Get up! You have an appointment!" Cameron yells in my room waking me up.

I sit up in bed and look at my phone. Who makes an appointment at seven in the morning?

I put on jean shorts and a striped shirt. I really didn't want to go to this. I hate talking about my feelings.

I look in the mirror and see that I have a black eye and cut on my lip. Great, now I look like a freak.

I slip on white vans and go down stairs. Cameron puts a bowl of cereal out with toast on the counter. I sit there and eat.

I could already feel the awkwardness. We were back to square one.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask and he turns to look at me.

"I'm not up for one of your smart remarks Rae." He says while stirring his coffee. He looks up and could tell I was being serious. "Shoot." He sighs.

"I'm not experienced in this department, but shouldn't someone go to jail for dealing?" I ask still confused on how I'm not in jail right now. Why did I even get to leave?

"Chris threw it out. Everyone thinks you got in trouble for getting in a fight and disturbing the peace. It's going to stay that way." He answers and deep down I wanted to believe he was doing this to protect me, but I knew he was protecting his career.

No one wants to be related to a fuck up.

"Do you hate me?" I ask not even thinking till the words left my mouth. He drops his spoon and walks over to me.

"No, I'm extremely disappointed, but I don't hate you. What would make you think that?" He asks and puts a hand on my shoulder.

I don't like this. I don't like being comforted or touched. Why am I like this?

"Because a lot of people do and sometimes I do." I say and get off the chair to put my bowl in the sink.

I hate that I can't be the perfect daughter or sister. I hate that I'm incapable of loving someone. I hate that Ethan already moved on.

Why do I care so much? I turned him down. I didn't want him.

"I think we should get going." He says and we walk to his car.

I walk in this place and there were kids all around. Young kids though, none above seventh grade.

Cameron goes up to sign me in and I sit there on my phone. This is going to be stupid, if I can't even open up to my own family how am I going to open up to a stranger?

Cameron gets done and sits down next to me. I'm actually embarrassed about what I said to him earlier. Maybe it's cause I'm not used to saying how I feel without a snide comment.

"Raeanna." A lady calls and Cameron and I get up. She was probably forty and was dressed in a pantsuit.

She walks us back to her office. It had a lot of purple in it, including the couch. I sit down and so does Cameron.

"I'm Clarissa, I'm here to just be someone to talk to and confide in." She says trying to make me feel better.

"I'm not good at talking or confiding." I tell her while playing with my nails.

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