29. Relationship?

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"You have to move back with mom." He sighs and I let go of Ethan's hand.

"What are you talking about? The summer isn't even over yet!" I could feel myself panic. Of course when I'm finally happy I get bad news thrown at me.

"I told Sierra what's happened since you've been here. She told mom and now mom thinks it's best if you go back home." He explains and I glare at Sierra.

I wanted to beat the living shit out of her. How could she do this? I'm better now!

"What the fuck is your problem!" I scream going up to Sierra but I feel Ethan grab me to hold me back.

"I don't have one, but you have many. Maybe you can learn to be a decent person for once. He's obviously a bad influence on you and I think it'd be better if you weren't around him." She goes on with her evil smile. She probably did all this cause I called her a thirty year old virgin. That is how petty my family is.

"Are you stupid? He's the one who got me to stop!" I defend Ethan. I hate when people talk bad about him.

"Well then consider this your punishment." She smirks and I get out of Ethan's grip and push her making her fall.

"And consider this your punishment for being the biggest bitch to ever live." I say and go to hit her but Ethan grabs me again.

"Rae stop. She's your sister, you'll regret it." He tells me and I calm down just hearing his voice.

I take a deep breath in and let it out. Sierra is now standing up but standing behind Cameron. Ethan puts his hands on my shoulders and I feel all my anger disappear.

"When's my flight?" I ask and Cameron hands me my ticket. It was for tomorrow afternoon.

Why does it have to be so soon? That gives me barely anytime to say bye to my friends well, Eden and Grayson.

"Ethan is staying the night if you like it or not. Considering I'm getting kicked out tomorrow, I'd like to spend my last night with someone who cares about me and it obviously isn't my family." I tell them and I pull Ethan up to my room and slam my door.

I set the ticked on my dresser and lay on my bed. This sucks! How are Ethan and I supposed to be anything now? This is exactly what Sierra wanted,

"Well what happens now?" I ask looking at Ethan who is still standing. He walks over to me and sits down next to my head. He starts playing with my hair and smiles.

"What do you want to happen?" He asks me and I sit up. Why can't he ever just answer my questions?

"I want to be with you, but how the hell can that happen if I'm all the way in fucking Oregon?" I ask not having a clue of what's going to happen.

How are we going to be together if we never see each other? We see each other all he time right now. Leaving him is going to be really hard.

"I really care about you and I think I'm willing to try long distance if you are." He suggests and I shake my head. I can't make him wait for me. I still have two more years of high school to finish.

"I don't want you to wait for me. I'm only going to be junior this year. That's a long way from graduating." I tell him hating that I have to break his heart again.

Technically it's not my fault this time. It's Cameron's and Sierra's for telling mom. Now I have to hear from her how horrible I am when I see her.

"I really don't mind. I know it will be hard, but I want to try to work this it out." He is literally the hardest person to break up with.

"Ethan, you're doing youtube and living your dream. I don't want you to put everything on pause for me. That opportunity comes like once in a lifetime." I try to convince him that long distance isn't a good idea.

"Maybe you're once in a lifetime." He sighs and looks up at me. Those big, dumb brown eyes could get me to do anything.

"You really think this could work?" I ask actually considering long distance.

Why am I considering this? Long distance never works! Someone always cheats or the other can't deal with never seeing the other.

"I really like you and I think we've been through too much to let us break up cause you're going to be a couple miles away from me." He explains and I nod.

"If you consider a couple to be nine hundred and sixty two point seven miles then yeah only a couple of miles." I laugh a little and he raises an eyebrow.

"Cameron is my mom's favorite. She knows how many miles, hours, and even the time zones wherever he is from her. I've heard that number for the past two years." I explain and he nods. I should of just told him I'm a genius.

He puts his hand on the side of my face and looks at me. I got goosebumps just from him looking at him. What am I going to do without him?

"I'll pay for you to come see me and you can stay with me. I'll go up there and visit when you have breaks and we can spend the next summer together. We'll figure this out, together." He rambles on making me smile. It's sweet how much he wants this to work. I guess I could try.

"I'll try, for you."

"For us." He says before kissing me. That kiss went on for a long time.

I lay down and he lays on top of me. I run my hands through his hair that is better than mine.

"We can FaceTime every night." He breathes out before kissing me again.

"And I'll call you before and after school." I tell him while he attaches his lips to my neck.

"We can watch a Netflix show on FaceTime together and it'll be like our regular nights." He keeps going about ways to make this easier. I don't know if it was that his ideas were good or that he was a really good kisser that convinced me this was going to be easy.

"Phone sex?" I question and he looks down at me with a smile.

"Why are you so obsessed with sex?" He laughs and I could almost feel myself blush.

Why am I blushing. I usually never get nervous talking about this sex. Sex is sex.

"I'm not! We haven't had sex in like forever." I defend making him smirk.

"Let's change that." He says as he takes off his shirt. He's still as attractive as he was when he gave me a bloody nose.

"So I was right about us having sex today?" I ask remembering when I kept bothering him about it earlier today.

"Well now you ruined the mood." He says and gets off of me. What? I ruined the mood.

"Ethan stop." I laugh but he still stays silent obviously teasing me.

Why is he like this? He just loves to aggravate me and annoy me. I have an idea.

I stand up in front of him taking my shirt and pants off. I wonder if I still ruined the mood now. I see him look up at me with wide eyes.

"Mood still ruined?" I ask and he shakes his head furiously while pulling me onto him. He starts kissing me as I start to undo his pants.

I'm glad we can finally have sex and this time I'll be able to remember it.

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