40. Findings

611 12 1

I sat on the couch and was doing some of my classes online. I was really watching Netflix on my tv, but my virtual school doesn't need to know that.

To be honest I learn better at actual school. Online school is basically just reading the text book, I guess it helps when someone explains it.

Ethan and Grayson are filming a video today so I can't distract myself by texting him. He said he'd come over in a hour or two.

I had to finish this whole lesson of chemistry. I can't stand any math or science, English I fuck with, but not chemistry.

I could barely focus on the words. I've been reading so many of them that my vision is making it look like a big mess. I should take a break.

My phone rings and I reach to get it off the table. Hopefully it's Ethan saying he can come over now. I look and see that it's my mom, wait Gina. I hit decline and throw it back on the table.

I can't believe she expects me to actually answer it. Like one day I'm just going to forgive her for everything.

I wonder if my real mom still thinks about me. Maybe there's even more letters she sent me that my parents got rid of. I don't even know where she is or if she's even alive.

Could I even get in contact with her? Would she want that? Maybe she's finally realized that she made the right decision of letting them take me.

It wouldn't hurt typing her name in. The most I could get is probably a Facebook page. I google her name and the first thing that comes up is her mugshots.

She looks exactly like me, technically I look like her. She has brown curly hair like me and blue eyes. I literally look like a younger version of her.

It says she got arrested for prostitution and possession of illegal substances. Not just any illegal substance, crystal meth. She's definitely a lot more hardcore than me. I've only ever done pot, I never even thought about touching anything stronger.

I go back to the search page and see this one link. Passages Malibu Center- World's Premier Rehab Center.

My mom is in rehab? I guess that's not a surprise since she's got arrested more than ten times. I click on it and it's a visitation page. She's only an hour away from me. So I could visit her tomorrow?

I could meet my real mom! I can ask her all the questions I've been thinking about since I found out. She can tell me the full story. Maybe I'm a little too excited about this.

I hear a knock on the door. It must be Ethan, I can't wait to tell him this. I open the door and see Ethan, I smile and hug him.

"Why are you so happy?" He asks with a chuckle. I let go and pull him in the house.

"I have good news!" I yell and he looks at me confused. I sit down on the couch next to my laptop and he sits next to me.

I show him my laptop and reads about the visitation. He looks confused as reading it, but I couldn't get this stupid smile off my face.

"Who's in rehab that you want to visit?" He asks handing me my laptop back.

"My mom, my real mom!" I exclaim and his eyes widen. Why doesn't he look happy? I'm happy.

"Rae, I don't think that's a good idea." He admits and I gasp. How could he say that? He knows how hurt I was when I found out, this could fix it.

"What are talking about? I have a chance to meet my real mom and get answers." I explain to him and he shakes his head.

I don't understand why he isn't being supportive of this. It's not like I'm telling him I'm dealing drugs again or something.

"She's in rehab for a reason. She needs help and I don't think you should see her till she's stable." He responds and I wanted to smack him for basically saying she's crazy.

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