11. Dating?

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I was in my room on my laptop watching Breaking when I was interrupted by Mercy walking in. I swear she has a key to here or something.

"We need to talk." She says seriously and sits down on my bed.

"About?" I ask as I shut my laptop and put it on my bedside table.

"I heard about what happened with Ethan and you." She sighs.

Is she talking about us hooking up? She wouldn't be acting all serious about it though. Why is she acting so serious ?

"Us hooking up?" I ask still confused on what the hell she's talking about.

"And what happened the following morning." She goes on. Where the hell did she hear what happened from? Maybe people heard Ethan and I yelling.

"Oh, where did you hear all of this from?" I ask and she instantly smiles. What did I miss?

"At the party Grayson and I may have met and started talking. He didn't drink so he offered me a ride home, but took me to Denny's at like two in the morning to get me to eat and sober up. I ended up going back to his and we fell asleep watching a movie on the couch. Yesterday morning Ethan walked in and told Gray everything." She tells me and her mood goes back to serious by the end of the story.

Wait! Her and Grayson? That's pretty ironic considering I hooked up with Ethan the same night.

"Oh my god! You and Grayson?" I ask trying to get her back to being happy.

"Yes! He's honestly so sweet. He kept asking if I felt okay and if wanted to go home and, wait. Hey! Stop trying to change the subject!" She yells and I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"What happened with Ethan and you?" She asks even though I know the story Ethan told is probably the same one I'm about to say. He doesn't seem like the type to lie.

"He wanted more and I didn't. As simple as that." I tell her and she frowns. I know she wishes I liked Ethan like that so we could be two best friends dating the twins.

"Come on M, you know how I am." I tell her and she nods.

"I know, I know. But you could of tried it out! Have you ever tried a relationship out?" She asks. Does it look like I've ever tried it out? If I did I would of known the right things to tell Ethan.

"No! I don't need to jump into a piranha pool to know they're going to bite me." I say using an analogy to compare a relationship to basically dying.

She rolls her eyes at how extra she thinks I'm being. It's not being extra, it's being realistic. Love sucks! There's a reason most marriages end in divorce.

"You don't die cause of a relationship."

"Romeo and Juliet." I say smirking and she couldn't help but laugh a little.

"We both know Romeo was extremely over dramatic and Juliet was an idiot." She laughs and I fake gasp.

"How are you going to insult Shakespeare like that?" I say dramatically while putting a hand over my heart.

She starts laughing causing me to laugh to.  She has one of those high pitched laughs that are contagious.

"No I see where you're coming from. Romeo and Juliet wasn't one of his best plays, personally I like Macbeth." I tell her and she goes quiet.

"You actually know Shakespeare?" She asks shocked that I knew another play of his.

"Not personally, but yeah he's a pretty known guy." I say even though I know what she meant. She gives me that 'I'm being serious face.'

"Okay, okay. Yeah kind of. Macbeth was awesome though. It's literally a guy who goes crazy and kills a bunch of people then becomes a ruler. It's also the 'cursed' play and those dumb theatre kids get so annoyed when you say it out loud." I laugh towards the end remembering the one time a theatre kid went so far as into leaving the room cause of it.

"You actually know shit!" She yells with her mouth falling open.

Okay, a little offensive, but I know. 'The girl always smoking pot knows Shakespeare' is weird. Not my fault some of his plays involve people dying all the time. I actually believe Shakespeare was crazy. No one writes about people dying that much.

"Surprising, I know." I sigh with no emotion making her laugh.

"So are you and Grayson dating?" I ask getting back into that subject.

"No, we just met! I need to get to know him more." She answers with a stupid smile on her face.

As much as Mercy and me are alike, we are also completely different. We do things for different reasons, we look at life differently, we look at people differently, and deep down she's a little girl at heart.

I wish I could feel like her sometimes. I wish I could feel what Ethan wants me to, but I can't. I don't know if I make myself not feel to protect myself or if I saw something that made me build this wall up, but I can't change it.

"I'm happy for you. I know that's hard to believe, but people are less annoying when happy than they are sad, so I am happy that you're happy." I tell her and she smiles grows bigger if that's even possible.

I am happy for them. She's a great girl who wants to be loved like a princess movie. He's an amazing guy who's completely sincere with everything.

"That means a lot, considering I know how hard talking about your emotions is to you." She says and I knew she was mocking me a little but I know not to take it seriously.

I really hope Ethan gets over this. We'll probably be seeing each other a lot more now cause of Mercy and Grayson.

Mercy was in the middle of bragging about how amazing Grayson is when my phone went off. Maybe Ethan texted me saying he's sorry for being a drama queen.

I look at my phone and I had a message from Kat? Why did she text me?

Deal tonight. Meet me at the fire pit. Also sorry for being a huge bitch, you proved yourself.

I nearly dropped my phone out of shock. Kat just apologized, like actually used the word sorry .

I instantly show Mercy making her stop talking. She looks at my phone and her eyes widen.

"What the fuck! I want an apology!" She yells looking closer at my phone to see if she read it right.

Not only does Kat want me to come back to do another deal. She also said sorry for being a Bitch!

"Are you going to go?" She asks me.

"Hell yeah! I could used another two hundred dollars." I say and I know Mercy doesn't really want me to.

She knows that we have different opinions on this and to not talk about it. That's what I like about her, she respects other's opinions. She knows she won't always agree with someone and she's okay with that.

Me on the other hand always has to be right. It's an ego thing.

"Well, be carful. I don't trust Kat." She warns me even though I don't need it.

"You say that like I do. I barely trust anyone." I laugh. Hearing that come from anyone else would be sad, but I laugh about it.

I can't change my personality and that's something Cameron, my mom, and even Ethan needs to understand.

I am who I am and I feel what I feel. If they don't want to be in my life cause of it, great! I don't need anyone that badly.

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