36.Becoming Eden

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"I think you should go to a public school." Cameron tells me. School starts in two weeks and he wants me to go.

"I'm sixteen can't I just drop out?" I ask obviously knowing Cameron would disagree.

"No! You're going to be something in life and to do so you need a high school diploma." He explains and I roll my eyes.

He had a point though. He has a huge career and even though it does get me more known doesn't mean I can make a living off of it. Same with Ethan. Dating him does get me more followers and everything, but I don't do YouTube or anything to keep that career going. I refuse to live off of them forever.

"George Washington never went to high school and he seemed to be successful." I tell him and he glares at me.

"Can't you just say okay and let us move on. It was hard enough to convince mom to let you stay, letting you not go to school would be pushing it." He explains and I remember how aggravated he got with her.

I've never seen my brother and my mom really fight. At least not fight like her and I do. He really put his foot down and told her that I don't want to see her and that I have every right not to.

"It's a good school. You'll meet new people and have friends who aren't Ethan and Grayson." He says and he had a point. I could use more friends.

"And Eden." I add in and he nods.

"Yeah I like her, she's a good influence. Hopefully she'll rub off on you." He chuckles and gets up off the couch. He goes to make coffee.

"You know since you're making me go to school, I need new clothes and supplies." I tell him as I follow him to the kitchen.

"I'll give you money to go sometime this week. All I ask is you buy appropriate clothes and don't make me go." He says and I nod. I wouldn't want him to go, he'd just complain. I'll take Ethan since I rather listen to him complain.

My phone starts ringing and I walk over to the couch to see who it is. It was a FaceTime call from Eden. I hope everything is fine.

"Hello." I answer and she has a big smile on her face.

"I know you've been upset so I'm taking you somewhere that always makes me feel better." She explains and I raise an eyebrow.

"A pet store?" I ask remembering how she almost cried when we were out to lunch and found a dog.

"No, church!" She exclaims and I stopped myself from rolling my eyes.

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure god is great. I just don't think he'd really want me to be in his house and fall asleep.

"Go put on something nice and don't worry, the boys are going too." She smiles and waves before hanging up.

What do you even wear to church? Can you wear jeans? Do you have to wear heels?

My grandma bought me an outfit that I had to wear to church for Christmas one year. I probably have that here since I took everything from home and brought it here.

I find it at the bottom of my closet, where it belongs. It was a blue skirt and a white dress shirt. It was as uncomfortable as I remember.

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