10. Not interested

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"Yeah, it's me." I say and turn to face him.

He sat up exposing his shirtless self but a blanket covers his lower half. I still find him very attractive.

"Did we?" He asks not knowing how to finish the sentence so I just nod.

I don't know what the fuck I did last night. I know we hooked up, but I don't remember it. I don't remember how I acted, what if I made a total fool out of myself?

"Wow, I don't really do that kind of stuff." He says and I remember that compared to me he's innocent.

"Yeah, me either." I tell him knowing I'm lying.

I still want him and his brother to be my friend. I can't make it seem like I act like this all the time.

"Oh really? You seemed pretty crazy last night." He chuckles, great. Now I know I acted incredibly stupid.

"Oh god. I don't even want to know what I did." I laugh trying to act as innocent as possible. I walk over and sit on the bed in front of him.

It wasn't a total lie. I really don't wanna know what I did, even though I have an idea of it.

"Let's just say you shouldn't drink a lot." He chuckles and I laugh along not wanting to look stupid.

Of course I hook up with him when I'm so drunk and can't even remember it the next day. I don't even remember if it was good or not! I mean, of course I was good.

"Yeah, alcohol can change a lot about a person." I awkwardly laugh.

"Well, I enjoyed myself last night." He smiles. Of course you did! You had sex with me! I'm trying figure out if I enjoyed it.

"I'm glad. I don't want to be known for having bad sex." I laugh a little. I feel like I can't even breathe around him, I might say something wrong.

"You could never be known for that." He says and I take it as a compliment. He grabs my hand and I instantly flinch.

What is he doing? Is he holding my hand? Why is he holding my hand?

He sees I'm uncomfortable and raises an eyebrow at me. I let out a breath while sighing. Here comes the the rejection.

"I know we did stuff last night, but that doesn't mean I'm interested in being more." I try to say in the nicest way. I swear his eyes turned dark as he let go of my hand.

"So last night meant nothing to you?" He asks in an annoyed way. This is where people start to hate me.

"Ethan, we were intoxicated-" I start but he cuts me off.

"That doesn't mean it's a mistake! I knew what I was doing, I could of stopped whenever!" He starts to get louder not helping my headache from my hangover. In my defense I had more to drink than him.

"I didn't say it was a mistake. I said I'm not interested in pursuing more." I tell him trying to get him to understand without having to tell him why.

I don't want to explain why I don't believe in all the love and relationship bullshit, cause I don't know, I just don't.

I also don't want him to think it's cause of him. If I was any other girl I would be interested, but I'm not.

"Why?" He asks. Shit. Well, maybe he'll understand.

"Okay, I lied when I said I don't do this often. I do, do this often. I go to parties, let loose, drink, and hook up with a guy. It never means anything afterwards." I answer his question and I could see his face expression change to disgust.

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