22. Backstreets

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I walk towards backstreets with my bag. Tyler told me I was selling to a guy in his late twenties. I asked Tyler to come with me but he said he was busy. I even offered him sex if he would come with me, but I guess he was really busy.

At least this guy is buying everything. Then I can go home and tell Cameron to calm down.

I get there and move my bag to my hands. I never made a deal on my own before. It was actually kind of scary now.

I see a man standing with a black hood up. He looked like A from pretty little liars. I start to walk towards him.

This does seem pretty sketchy. I'm used to this stuff though and he wants to buy everything. That's a lot of money I could now use since Cameron won't even talk to me.

"Are you Rae?" He asks as I approach him. I remember what Mercy told me on of my first deals. I nod my head and keep eye contact to a minimum.

"Tyler didn't say you were a baby." He chuckles and I roll my eyes. I never really thought I looked young but I guess I look like a baby.

"Does my age really matter right now?" I ask in a sarcastic way. I look down and see he has a gun on him. It made me a million times more nervous.

It's not unusual for people like him to have guns though. If you know anyone in a gang you most likely have a gun.

"You have my stuff?" He asks and I just show him my bag and he smiles.

"You're such a precious girl. Why are you doing things like this?" He asks and I wanted to take his gun and shoot myself.

Why is he asking so many questions? Why can't he just take the drugs and give me the money?

"I'm doing it cause I can. If you want to get to know me so bad you should ask me on a date." I laugh obviously being sarcastic. I hope he knows I wasn't serious.

"You have a sense a humor. That's unusual around here." He states. Dude just give me the money and I'll give you the drugs so I can go home and finish criminal minds.

"Are you going to keep making small talk or give me the money?" I ask with a small smirk.

"Feisty one, aye?" He chuckles and takes the bag from me. He was making sure I had everything.

Yes, finally he's actually doing the deal. I don't know what the hell he has been doing.

"You're almost as dumb as Kat said you'd be." He laughs and I instantly back away.

Is this another set up? What do I have to do to get them to leave me alone?

"Rae! Stop!" I hear a voice behind me. I turn and see Mercy. What the hell is going on?

"Who the fuck are you?" The man say angrily. I would be worried but I know Mercy is experienced in this stuff.

"Kat told me this is how she's getting rid of you. He's not buying drugs, she hired him to kill you!" She yells and grabs me but the guy pulls me away from her.

"She's not going no where!" He yells and throws me to the ground. Of course I land face first.

I look up and see he has Mercy in his hold. He throws her next to me.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask him yelling. I didn't want to die, not now at least!

"It's business, no harsh feelings." He chuckles and goes walks towards my bag.

My back was against the wall next to Mercy. How did she know where I was?

"Why didn't you bring Grayson and Ethan?" I ask because she's usually attached to Grayson.

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