48. Our Dream

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"Everyone is going over to Eden's and Grayson's to see them since they just got back from Australia two days ago." Ethan tells me coming into our room. Ashton follows behind him and then holds onto his leg.

"I'll get dressed then." I say and walk to our closet. I was excited, I haven't seen them in two weeks. I think that's the longest Ethan has went without seeing Grayson.

I put on black jeans with a large turtle neck, sweater. Ethan made me buy all these winter clothes because he thinks I'll freeze to death or something.

I feel arms wrap around me and turn to see Ethan. Who else would it be?

"You know I love you right?" He asks and I thought it was weird that he said something like that.

"It'd be weird if you stayed with me this long and didn't love me." I laugh and turn around. He looked different than usual, he looked amazed that I was standing in front of him.

"I'm just really happy that I have you in my life and I feel like I don't tell you that enough." He explains and my mouth falls open.

Lately he's been a lot more affectionate than usual, but he never said anything like this. I liked it.

Before I could say anything he kissed me. I couldn't help but remember when he kissed me the night I confessed my feelings, technically I kissed him. I can't believe it's been five years.

"Ewww!" I hear Ashton yell and we pull away. I don't think he'll ever stop saying that.

"Come here!" Ethan yells and grabs him. We did really create something amazing.

We walk out the door and go over to Eden's. I didn't even bother knocking since it looked like everyone else was already here.

I open it to see everyone talking to each other. I can't believe this many people came just to see Grayson and Eden. I spot Eden and Grayson talking to his mom.

"Go say hi." I tell Ashton and he runs over to them. I think he confuses Grayson with Ethan a lot.

"There's my favorite nephew!" Grayson yells and picks him up. Ethan and I make our way over to them.

"Your only nephew." Ethan mumbles not letting Ashton hear that.

"Don't tell him that." Eden says with a laugh. I would agree, but I don't think you could ruin that kid's ego.

"I already know mommy." Ashton states making us all laugh. Of course he knows, he's a genius.

I hug Eden and she tells me about their trip. I didn't know where they were going till after they got there. Ethan wasn't allowed to tell me since Grayson thought I would accidentally tell Eden.

"That sounds amazing." And it did. It makes me want to go to Australia now. She even go to hold a koala bear!

"How's the married life?" Ethan asks them.

"Couldn't be more perfect." Grayson answers as he wraps his arm around Eden.

They seem even more happy than they did before! Isn't the first year supposed to be the hardest?

"I need to show you pictures!" She yells and basically drags me to their living room. I sit down next to her on the couch and she pulls out her phone.

I didn't know Australia had such pretty water. It looked like it could of been Hawaii, I was never good at geography.

"It looks like you guys had a great time." I say as she gets done showing me all the pictures.

"Don't tell anyone because I don't want to curse it, but we're expecting!" She whisper yells so no one could hear.

Expecting what? Then she puts her hand on her stomach and I gasp.

"Oh my god!" I yell, but then quiet down so no one asks what we're talking about.

"Yeah, but it's still early so we're not planning on telling anyone for awhile." She tells me so I don't end up telling anyone.

She starts telling me that she's already looking at names. She even had a whole list in her notes. She picked out all elegant names and each one had a meaning.

"Mommy." Ashton interrupts Eden and walks up to me. I shush him and let Eden continue talking. She points to Ashton and I look at him.

He was trying to hand me something, please don't let this be a bug like last time. He drops it in my hand and it was a ring, a diamond ring!

"Where did you find this?" I ask him hoping he didn't take it off someone's finger.

"From me." I look up to see Ethan in front of me. Why did he give Ashton a diamond ring? I look closer at the ring and realized it was the one he offered me when I was nineteen. I'm surprised it didn't get ruined by how hard he threw it.

He gets down on his knee and now everyone was looking at us. Oh my god, is he proposing?

"Holy sh-" I start but he cuts me off.

"Ever since I met you I knew you were different, and I think you've proven that many times throughout this relationship." He chuckles, but I couldn't laugh, I was frozen.

"We already started a family and hopefully we'll continue to do so. I think it's about time we make it official. I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but will you marry me?" He asks and I just nod. He smiles and slips the ring onto my finger.

I stand up from the couch and he gets off his knee. He instantly kisses me and everybody starts to cheer.

We pull apart and I look at Eden who was now holding Ashton. He was covering his eyes from not wanting to see us kiss.

"Is it over?" He asks Eden and she laughs. He looks up at us and Ethan grabs him.

People come up to us to congratulate us. Now I feel like Eden because I couldn't stop smiling.

"Ashton, do you know what this means?" I ask him probably a bit too excited.

"I already know, daddy made me keep it a secret." He tells me and I was surprised a three year old was able to do that so well.

I couldn't stop looking at the ring on my finger. Even when I was home I couldn't stop.

I was getting ready for bed in my bathroom when I felt cramps. I thought I was getting my period at the wedding, but it still hasn't came. I checked yesterday and I was three weeks late.

I can't be, it's impossible! I made sure to get on birth control after I had Ashton. A pregnancy test couldn't hurt.

I take one out from below the sink. They were next to the box of the morning after pills. Ethan and I prepare early for this.

As I wait I brush my teeth and put my hair in braids so in the morning it looks like I spent time on it. I look down at the test and gasp.


How did this happen? I did switch birth controls since my old one wasn't working well with my allergy pill. Ethan and I did have sex a week after that, maybe it failed or something.

I walk out of the bathroom to see Ethan already in bed. He was watching tv and he smiles at me.

"Is everything okay?" He asks and I wanted to say no, but I was happy. I know I didn't want another kid, but I'm actually excited about this.

"Are you ready to have another Ashton?" I ask and his eyes widen. He gets out of bed and runs up to me.

"You're pregnant?" He asks and I show him the now cleaned test. He smiles and then kisses me.

"You're okay with this?" He asks probably since I turned down the whole idea of having another kid.

"I guess we continued to start a bigger family faster than I thought." I laugh and he kisses me.

"We have to tell Ashton!" He yells and runs out of our room to go grab him.

I didn't even bother yelling at him to not wake him since we just put him to bed. I was equally as excited to tell him that we're starting the life Ethan always dreamed. Now it's my dream too.

The End.

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