23. Flowers

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I open my eyes to see white. Am I dead? I look around and realize I'm in a hospital bed.

"Raeanna, how are you feeling?" I look up and see a doctor. He had a clip board in his hand.

I move around and feel this sharp pain in my arm. I look and see that my left bicep had a wrap around it. Then I remember.


"Where is she?" I ask sitting up and panicking. He looks at me confused.

"Mercy! Where is she?" I ask and he sighs. Right when he was about to respond the door opens.

Standing there is Cameron. Great, now I have to get yelled at in a hospital.

"Rae!" He yells and instantly comes and hugs me. He's hugging me, he never hugs me.

"I didn't know what happened to you. I didn't mean what I said I promise." He goes on and I just shake my head.

"Where's Mercy?" I ask and he looks down. Is she in a coma or something?

"Rae, she didn't make it. I'm sorry." Those words made my whole world crash. I instantly start crying and he holds me.

I didn't mean for this! I wanna go back, please let me go back. She was my only friend here.

"I didn't mean to hurt her." I cry and he just shushes me. I'd take her place if I could.

She had someone who loved her and she loved him. They could of had a family and got married. I can't do any of that. Why wasn't it me?

"Raeanna Dallas?" We hear and look up. There were people in suits standing there.

"Yes?" I ask and the lady smiles. Next to her was a man around her age.

"We're with the FBI. We want to help find who did this to you." She explains and Cameron instantly stands up.

"My sister just woke up. Can we do this another time ?" He asks being protective. He's never really been protective of me.

"It's best if we do it now because it's still fresh in her memory." The man says like I could ever unsee what I did.

I could still see Mercy's lifeless body on the ground in my arms. I can still see how scared her eyes were. I'm never going to forget that.

"I'll help under one condition." I speak up making their attention on me now.

"And what's that?" She asks like she really cared about what I wanted.

"I want that bastard to pay for what he did. He took a life and not just any life. My best friend's life." I tell her while sniffing from crying.

Cameron looked shock but they didn't seem phased. Is murder an everyday thing for everyone because I feel like I'm the only one freaking out.

"If we find him he will be put to trial, but we have to find him first." She answers and I nod.

They ask me the questions you see on all the criminal shows. Hair color, eye color, weight, and height.

Eventually after an hour they get a sketch of him. I told them how Kat and possibly Viper were in on it and that's why Mercy came. I didn't want to tell them about the drugs so told them I was selling him phones and other stuff he wanted.

Once they left it was just Cameron and I. He seemed shocked by everything I just told them.

"You weren't selling him phones." He states and I shake my head to agree.

"I can save my own ass. Even if he does say I did, who's going to believe someone who killed a girl?" I tell him and start crying.

He comes over and hugs me. I never usually let him even come ten feet near me. This is weird but it felt right.

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