5. Get together

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"So you're taking me to a party?" I ask confused.

"Not a party, a get together. They'll be girls there your age who you can talk to." He tells me like it's my first day of school.

"Yeah! And maybe after that we can go play in the sandbox together and hoola hoop!" I exclaim with sarcasm. He rolls his eyes.

At least I'll be with someone other than him. I doubt they're going to be doing any interesting things like drugs or drinking.

"Just go get dressed." He demands and I go to my room. I was still in the clothes from our stupid workout.

They say working out is supposed to make you feel better. It just made me more hungry, I don't know how that's supposed to help.

I decide to give my hair a break and let my natural hair be tonight's look. I wash it and let it dry as I do my makeup.

I never liked the feeling or the look of a lot of makeup on my face. I keep it pretty natural most of the time.

I put on fishnet stockings and ripped jeans over them. I put on my cropped olive green hoodie and a pair of Adida all stars.

I think I look hot, but Cameron will think I look like a slut. Who cares? He can't control what I wear.


"Can't you put on a shirt that cover everything?" He asks obviously annoyed at my outfit of choice.

"The way I dress is how I express myself. Be happy that I'm using my creativity." I fake smile. Dressing the way I want has to be in the constitution somewhere. I never paid attention in history. Why should I care about a bunch of dead guys?

"People like you don't have creativity." He remarks and I raise my eyebrow.

What's that supposed to mean? People like me? Is there another one of me out there? I'd love to meet her.

"Excuse me?"

"You're a realist. You don't dream, you don't look on the bright side, and you're just a cold person." He explains and it didn't make me any less offended.

I was going to say a remark and then I realized. He wasn't wrong.

I don't feel any real emotions besides anger. I don't dream or set goals. I look at life as how it is, horrible. But that's who I am, I can't change that.

"Well I don't have to dream like a little kid to be happy with my life." I sigh and he shakes his head. He knows there's no winning this battle.

He grabs his keys off the counter and walks towards the door. I follow behind him like a lost puppy. That's how I feel being here.

I don't know anyone here. I don't know how to get anywhere or where anything is. I just have to follow Cameron.

We pull up to this big house that had millions of cars outside. This was supposedly Taylor Caniff's house. Him and my brother used to do magcon together. I think I met him once or twice.

I get out of the car and walk next to Cameron. I could hear Future playing from out here.

Cameron opens the door like it's his house. We walk in and this guy immediately bro hugs Cameron.

"I'm glad you could make it." He tells Cameron while letting go of him.

"Of course! I love seeing you." Cameron says back to him.

Is my brother gay?

"This must be Raeanna! Holy shit did you grow up. I remember when you were this little twelve year old." He says while hugging me. I don't like hugs. I don't like affection in general.

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