19. The Rescue

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Since yesterday I've been in my room. I don't want to even leave my bed to shower. My chest still hurts and water tends to come out of my eyes at random times. I need a doctor.

Cameron keeps begging me to tell him what's wrong. I just say nothing and go back on Instagram. I look to see what all my friends back home are doing. I put my phone down instantly regretting looking.

If I never came I wouldn't feel like this. I wouldn't feel like actual shit. It probably doesn't help that I don't even want to get up to shower.

My phone starts to ring and I instantly roll my eyes. I swear if it's Ethan calling again. I look and see Viper. I don't feel like doing a deal tonight. I answer anyway though.

"Hello." I answer.

"Rae! Baby! I'm picking you up in an hour be ready." He exclaims and I furrow my eyebrows. Is he trying to go on a date with me?

"What?" I ask confused.

"I need to repay you for being so helpful. I'm taking you to this huge party! We'll do a couple deals there." He explains and I didn't really feel in the mood to go.

"I don't know Viper. I don't really feel good-" I start to make an excuse but he cuts me off.

"Please Rae. This is my way of saying thank you and Kat won't be there." He says and I give in. I don't know why I always give in to him.

"Okay fine, I'll be ready." I sigh and I could hear him chuckle.

"Can't wait." He says before hanging up.

I exit the phone call and was about to go on Snapchat when I got a notification. It was from Ethan, of course.

Don't look at it Rae. He's the reason you're confused. He's the reason you're like this. I don't listen to myself and look.

I know you don't want to hear from me right now and I'm so sorry for what I did. Please let me make it up to you tonight. Meet me at the Gym in two hours.

Yeah, I'm not an idiot. I'm not about to let him think what he did was okay. He can stand outside that Gym all night for all I care.

I go get ready for the party. Maybe that's what I need. Drugs and alcohol stops people from thinking. I want to stop thinking.

I put on fishnet stockings with ripped, black jeans over them. I put on a black crop top and a long jean jacket.

I fix my hair as much as I could. I probably haven't washed it in three days. I decide to wear at black hat with the adidas sign on it. I put on black van high tops.

I kept makeup to a minimum. The fact that I got dressed is an accomplishment for me right now.

Viper texts me that he's outside so I grab my bag and leave. Just as I was about to leave I hear Cameron.

"Where are you going?" He asks but he didn't seemed mad. He seemed concerned.

"With Mercy. She's taking me out to make me feel better." I lie and make sure to use the feel better card. If he thinks I'm sad and will let me.

"Okay, be safe." He says before going back upstairs. I shrug and walk out the door. That was almost too easy.

I jump in the passenger seat of Viper's car. He starts moving right when I get in.

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