9. A Night

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"Can't I just wear ripped jeans and a hoodie?" I ask Mercy as she basically throws my wardrobe out.

She wants me to go to this big YouTube party and of course I'm down, but she's making it seem like I'm about to walk down a red carpet.

"You need something that screams sexy! All a hoodie screams is I gained ten pounds instead of getting a summer body." She hisses and I look down at my body. I only gained five, that's isn't that bad!

"Okay M, what's going on? We literally wear the same style and I know you didn't just start hating it." I ask her completely confused on why she's acting like this.

"I heard Ethan and Grayson are going. And me being a good best friend is trying to get you laid!" She yells and I smile.

She's more excited about me wanting to hook up with them than I am.

"Why didn't you tell me that? I'll pick out something revealing. Don't worry." I laugh and she smiles while calming down.

I get out the shortest shorts I own which is these black ones and a white crop top. Seems sexy enough.

"Smart, you wanna showcase your ass more than your boobs cause, you know." She says trying to make the point that I don't have boobs.

"I can't help that they decided to be flat!" I yell and she cracks up. Can't get everything in life.

I straighten my hair and do more makeup than usual. I know I'm going to fall asleep wasted and forget to take it off, so I don't even know why I bother.

"You ready?" I ask Mercy who was still getting dressed.

She walks out in a tan bodysuit with ripped jeans. Glad she has boobs and can wear things like that.

"Yeah, let's go so you can get some Dolan in you!" She yells and I shake my head. If she's like this now, how will she be intoxicated?


We walk in and I instantly smell weed. My type of party. Mercy says hi to a bunch of people she knows while I get a drink cause I'm lonely.

I mix vodka and cranberry in a red solo cup. Mercy walks over to me and takes a shot. It's not like she needed it to act crazy, she already is.

"Let's dance!" She yells and I just shrug my shoulders, fuck it.

Yes, I go to parties, but I don't dance. I usually get wasted and high before hooking up with some random guy.

Literally everyone was grinding. Is there any other dance moves people do at parties?

Out of nowhere Mercy starts grinding on me. I made sure to take a big gulp of my drink before I start so I have an excuse.

After awhile I found myself drinking more and grinding on other guys. I was about to kiss this guy when I hear my name called.

"Rae?" I turn and see Ethan standing behind me.

"Ethan!" I yell and hug him completely out of intoxication. I usually never hug him, or anybody of that matter.

"I didn't think you'd come to something like this." He says as we let go of our hug.

Shit! I forgot I tried to make myself seem more pure to get with him.

"I have many secrets Dolan." I giggle and take another sip of my drink. I'm mysterious, that's hot right?

I look to see no drink in his hand. Oh god! Don't tell me he came here to have fun without drinking.

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