41. Visitation

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Today is the day I meet my mom. It felt amazing to say those words even if it was just in my head.

It sucks that I have no one going with me. I didn't bother telling Cameron because I thought he'd have the same reaction as Ethan. I thought maybe that night Ethan would text me or tell me he wants to be there for me but he didn't.

I feel like I shouldn't be alone going to meet her. This is a big thing and I should probably have someone comfort me or something.

I can't take Cameron because he doesn't even know. I can't take Ethan since he's made it clear that he doesn't want to be apart of this. I can't take Grayson because Ethan is his brother and he probably supports him. Oliver isn't allowed to go, I already called and asked. Wait, Eden can go!

She doesn't judge anybody! She wouldn't judge my mom especially if she knows how much this means to me.

I call Eden as I feed Oliver. I also need to make time to potty train him because he doesn't get the concept of peeing outside.

"Hello." Eden answers and I smile that she answered which means she's probably not busy.

"Are you busy today?" I ask hoping she isn't so I don't have to be alone.

"No, why?" She asks and I smile. I'm glad she isn't busy she's all I got right now.

"I'm going to meet my mom at a rehab center and I don't want to do it alone. Do you want to come with?" I ask knowing she'll already say yes. She's too nice today no to do it.

"Yeah sure, but why aren't you bringing Ethan?" She asks and I couldn't be mad about her asking it. Ethan and I do almost everything together, it's weird that he's not coming with me.

"Because he's an asshole who isn't supportive in me going and agrees with Gina." I answer and realize I'm sounding a little too harsh for Eden. The girl doesn't even curse!

"Wait, he told you he doesn't want to go?" She asks and I didn't really want to remember what he said.

"He said he doesn't even want me to go and doesn't stand by me through this." I answer and I hear gasp.

It was surprising to hear Ethan say those things. He's always there for me and to hear him say he's not going to be here for this is weird.

"I can't believe he would say that, what's wrong with him?" She asks and honestly I wanted to say everything.

"I don't even know, it's like he's obsessed with protecting me that he won't even let walk to get the mail. Maybe it has something to do with that." I explain as I take Oliver outside. I don't want him peeing in my room again.

"Yeah send me the address I'll meet you there." She states and I was confused. Why does she want to meet me there, I can pick her up.

"Actually I can just pick you up so we can ride together." I tell her as I walk next to Oliver waiting for him to pee. He just sat down and stared at me.

"No I'll meet you, I have a plan." She says and then hangs up. She has a plan? I don't even want to know what she's planning to do. She's probably bringing a church or something.

I take Oliver inside and he follows me to my room. I carry him up the stairs since he's so tiny that it takes him a minute just to get up one step.

I put him in his bed and spread newspaper all across my room. Hopefully he'll pee on that not on my bed.

I text Eden the address to the place. She says thank you with a smiley face. The thing is she's probably actually smiling. I wonder what her plan is, considering how nice she is it's probably something I'll like.

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