46. Christmas

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"Aston please sit correctly in your car seat." I tell my son who was refusing to stay still as I tried to strap him in.

"I don't want to go!" He yells obviously fussy since he always got no sleep from being sick.

"We have to go pick up grandma." I tell him and even that didn't get him to listen. He loves my mom probably because she's exactly like Ethan and gives him everything.

"Ethan please deal with him!" I yell to Ethan who was still in the house.

I wish I was a good enough mom to get him to listen to me, but he refuses to. We have great moments but he's just closer to Ethan.

Ethan walks out of the house with the keys. I go sit in the passenger seat as Ethan deals with him.

"I know you don't feel good bud, we'll do whatever you want when we get back, but you have to listen to mommy and I." Ethan explains to him and he instantly listens.

Ethan gets in the drivers seat and we leave to go pick my mom up from the airport.

"We shouldn't have to bribe him to get him to listen to us." I huff frustrated that our own three year old gets over on us more than anyone.

"He's three, what do you expect?" He asks and I shoot him a glare.

"Yeah, now he's three. What happens when he's ten? Are we going to say oh he just ten?" I ask and Ethan gives me a confused face.

I love my son and everything but it's obvious that he needs to listen more, at least to me. He only listens to Ethan and that's because he bribes him half the time.

"Rae he's a child for god sakes. They're not going to be perfect." He states and I roll my eyes. I'm just scared of him turning out like me. I don't want him to end up hating me and rebel by sleeping with girls and doing drugs.

"I trying to help you from raising a Rae." I scoff and Ethan rolls his eyes.

He never agrees with me about this. He thinks it's okay for Ashton to be only half disciplined.

"He's not going to be like you and if he is then I still don't see the problem. You were an amazing girl who just had some problems. If he has problems then we'll be there for him and help him, something Gina didn't do for you." He explains making sure it shuts me up. It did.

The rest of the ride we played music softly and stayed quiet. We get there and we park the car. I told my mom I'd meet her inside at baggage claim.

I get Ashton out of his car seat and put him on my hip. He looked too tired to walk and it'd be easier to keep track of him if I hold him.

We walk in and I check to see when's the last time my mom texted me. I see that she said she's coming down the escalator now. I look up and see her smiling at us.

"Ashton look who it is." Ethan tells him and points to my mom. He looks up and smile instantly.

"Grandma!" He yells and starts wiggling in my grip. I let him down and he runs, well attempts to run to her.

"Look at my handsome grandson." She laughs and picks him up. He wraps his arms around her as she walks towards us.

"Hi mom." I greet her and she kisses me on the cheek. Ethan says hi and does the same.

Ethan grabs her bags and we bring them out to the car. She sits in the back with Ashton and plays with him.

"So you guys excited for Christmas?" She asks us and Ethan sighs along with me.

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