27. Forts

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I wake up to see I have twenty messages and five missed calls from Ethan. He must really feel bad, unlike Cameron who hasn't even tried apologizing to me.

I'm still mad that Ethan lied, but I understand where he's coming from. He did just want to make me happy and he thought I told Cameron that he was coming. It's definitely forgivable and he did act the most mature out of the three last night which I appreciate a lot.

I'll call him after I shower and I'll go over to see him. I don't like when he feels upset, especially when I'm the reason for it.

I jump in the shower making sure to get off all the makeup I didn't bother taking off the night before. While in the shower I think about everything that happened last night.

It still blows my mind that this all happened over a dumb award. I don't blame Ethan and Gray for dropping him as a friend. He dissed them for something they couldn't even control. What did he want them to do? Not accept the dumb award? Is that even possible? That's what I would do if I won a teen choice award.

I get out and dry off. I put on jean shorts with a light blue adidas shirt. I wrap my hair in a towel and then sit on my bed. I go to my messages and read all the ones Ethan sent me.

I'm really sorry about tonight, I should of never lied to you.

Please answer. I just want to know if everything is okay.

I know the last thing you want is to hear from me right now, but I really care about you and want to know if you're feeling okay.

Please respond. I don't even care if it's the middle finger emoji, anything is better than nothing.

It's late and you probably went to bed now. Please call me when you wake up.

The worst part is that there were fifteen more. I instantly call him now feeling bad that I didn't even tell him I was okay. It's really sweet that he cares so much about me.

"Hello." I hear him answer with excitement.

"Hey." I simply say trying not to sound mad or anything. I didn't want to freak him out.

"Are you okay? Are you still mad? I'm so sorry for lying, it was so stupid." He goes on until I interrupt him.

"It's okay E, I forgive you." I tell him flinching when I said "E". Why did I call him that? You're supposed to call your boyfriend nicknames, right?

"You do?" He asks sounding really confused.

"Of course I'm a little upset about you lying, but your intentions were good. Also you were the only one who didn't act like a fucking child." I mutter the last part feeling myself get angry.

"I'll make it up to you, I promise. How about we go do something today?" He offers and honestly I wasn't really in the mood to go out.

I was still upset from last night. Not really at him, mostly at my siblings. I kinda just wanted to stay at his and mope around with him in my presence.

"Actually do you think we can just stay at your apartment? I'm not really feeling today." I sigh wishing I was in a better mood and wasn't related to my dumb family.

"Yeah, I'll pick up some ice cream and pizza. Ben and Jerry's half baked is your favorite, right?" He asks making me smile. What did I do to deserve him?

"Yes, thank you." I still couldn't stop smiling. I'm really excited for that ice cream.

"Anything for you." He says sounding way too cheesy but, I couldn't help but laugh a little.

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