37. First Day

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I wake up to an annoying sound. Oh yeah, today is the first day of school. It's going to be horrible, I don't know anybody who goes to this school.

Ethan and Grayson do online school. Eden goes to this private Christian school. That's everyone I know.

It was the first day. In order to make friends I need to look more approachable than usual. I put on jeans and a stripped black and white shirt. I didn't want to stand out in any way.

I straightened my hair last night so I didn't have to spend much time on it this morning. I put on mascara and grab my book bag.

I head downstairs to see Cameron making breakfast. He got up at six in the morning just to make me breakfast? That was nice of him.

"Good morning." He says with a smile and puts a plate of pancakes in front of me. They had a smiley face made with whip cream on them.

"Why are you in such a good mood?" I ask realizing how much he's smiling. He sets a glass a milk in front of me then sits next to me.

"I'm happy because tonight is Sofia's and I's year anniversary." He smiles and I hold myself from rolling my eyes.

He's been dating that hoe for a year! I just met her like two months ago. At lest he's happy I guess.

"Sounds exciting." I try to say with the least amount of sarcasm I can.

I hear a knock at the door and I look at Cameron. Who's visiting him at six in the morning. He smiles and opens the door.

"Your ride is here." He states and then moves over so I could see that Ethan was standing there.

"You're taking me to school?" I ask with a smile. I didn't even know he remembered that I had school today.

"Of course." He responds and I walk up to give him a hug. We walk out of the house and go to his truck.

The sun was just now rising. I would of enjoyed it more if I didn't have to go to school.

"Are you excited?" He asks like he was my mom ore something.

"No, I don't really like people." I answer and he rolls his eyes. Ethan is such a people's person and I'm the opposite.

"Some people are nice if you get to know them. I'm sure you'll make a ton of friends." He says and I glare at him.

"I sound like a dad right now, don't I?" He asks and I nod.

"I'm sorry, I'm just really excited about you making different friends besides Gray and Eden." He admits and I roll my eyes.

Why does everyone think I don't have like enough friends? Three really good friends seem like a lot to me.

"Here we are." He says and pulls into the school. It looked like a jail, I'd rather be there than here.

"Have a good first day, I'll pick you up." He smiles and gives me a quick peck. I get out and everyone is looking at me.

Why is everyone looking at me? Probably because you just kissed Ethan Dolan and your the little sister of Cameron Dallas.

I walk towards the office and ignore the ugly stares. They were all from girls so I knew it was a jealousy thing.

"Hi, how can I help you?" The lady at the desk asks me.

"I'm Raeanna Dallas, I'm new here." I tell her and she nods. She hands me a paper with my classes on it.

I thank her then leave. The school seemed to be all outside besides the classrooms of course. LA does have nice weather so that's probably why.

First period I had pre Calc. I'm so bad at math and of course I have it first period of the day. I don't even know how I passed my Algebra two EOC.

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