43. Battle of the Relationship

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It was Sunday and we were all sitting on the couch watching a movie. I thought it was weird they invited us since they usually film on Sunday's.

"I have a video idea!" Grayson yells jumping up. Ethan seemed intrigued as Eden and I just laughed.

"Greden vs Rethan!" He yells and I looked at him confused. What even is that?

"What?" I ask and Ethan smirks at me. Why do I feel like this involves me?

"He's saying you and I to vs him and Eden. The battle of the relationships." Ethan explains and I was even more confused.

Ethan has never even brought up the idea of me being in a video. That was always his and Grayson's thing. I didn't really get involved in it.

"That sounds like fun." Eden smiles which makes Grayson even more happy. It's like as long as she is happy he is.

Grayson and Ethan write down all the things they need on their white board. I saw a lot of messy dessert that I was hoping we're eating.

"Eden and I will go get the supplies while you and Rae set up in the warehouse." He says and grabs his car keys. They walk out the door leaving Ethan and I still on the couch.

I look at Ethan and he smiles at me. I never filmed a video ever. We don't even post about each other that much.

"You don't have to do this if you don't want to." He tells me being completely serious. I knew I didn't have to do this because Ethan would never make me do anything I didn't want to do.

"I know, I want to." I say and get up to get my phone. We should get going to the warehouse.

"You do? You hate attention and being my girlfriend in a video might cause some bad attention." He goes on and follows me.

I know how much he cares about me. He hates when anyone is mean to me because he never wants to see me hurt, but I'm almost an adult, I can handle it.

I turn around so I'm facing him. Even if I said no he could get me to with his eyes. I grab his hands and smile at him.

"I think it's time to let the world know that I love you." I smile and his eyes widen.

"When did we let Ethan know?" He yells obviously excited that I've finally said it back.

I wanted to say it at a good moment, but lately we've been arguing so much that it's been hard to even say I like you to the other.

"I just did." I laugh and he kisses me. I really do love him and I never imagined loving anyone especially the way I love him.

"I love you too." He says as we break from the kiss.

"I know, I'm amazing." I laugh and he playfully pushes me.

He grabs the keys for the warehouse and we get into his truck. I've been in his warehouse twice and one of those times I didn't even go inside of it.

We get there and he unlocks the door. I walk on behind him since I don't know where he wants to set it up. Him and Grayson usually do this, not me!

"We're going to have to put plastic down so we don't get cake everywhere." He tells me and hands me a plastic sheet. I lay it down and we put four chairs on it.

He sets up the camera since I have no idea how to even work it and also sets up the lights. I hear the door open and Grayson and Eden walk in with a bunch of things.

"Is everything set up?" Grayson asks and sets he things for the video next to his chair.

"Yeah, we can start filming now." Ethan answers and sits down in his chair.

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