32. Old Ways

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*A week later*

It was eleven o'clock and my mom was already asleep. This might be the first time I sneak out without her catching me.

I was going to Dylan's dumb party because if I didn't he'd come drag me. He's so determined to see the old Rae and it's just not me anymore.

I already called Ethan telling him I'm going to bed. I didn't want him to know because he thinks I'm different now, I am different now. This is a one time thing and it's the last time I do something like this.

I climb out of my window and onto my roof. I've done this a million times and only fell around ten times. I go to the tree right next to my house and climb on the branch. I haven't done this in a good two months, I'm a little rusty.

I climb down the tree and jump off when I'm as close to the ground as I could get. I trip a little when I land but I catch myself on my hands.

"And she sticks the landing." I laugh to myself and walk towards Dylan's. He lives a couple blocks down, that's how we met.

I was playing soccer outside my house when him and his friends were on my street. I must of been around eight. He took my soccer ball so I punched his face.

His mom still swears we're going to get married. We hated each other for two year and then on my tenth birthday his mom made him get me a cool ass scooter. I asked him if he wanted to play with me on it and we've been best friends ever since.

I get to his house and there must of been fifty cars. To say Dylan is popular is an understatement. By sophomore year he was already on varsity football and this year he's captain.

I walk in and a lot of people greet me. It was mostly the guys I slept with in the past, there are a lot of them.

"Yo! Rae's back!" I hear someone yell and I smile.

I was never really popular, not like Dylan is. Everyone loves Dylan, only the guys like me. No girl really likes me at my school because they think I'll sleep with their boyfriend. The sad thing is I probably did.

I see Dylan pouring himself a drink and I walk over to him. I tap him on the shoulder and he smiles.

"I knew Rae couldn't resist a good party!" He yells putting his arm around me. He hands me the drink he was pouring and I take a sip.

I did not miss the way alcohol burns your throat, but I did miss the affects. What am I saying? This isn't me. I'll only have one drink.

"So what guy is getting lucky tonight?" He asks turning me around to look at all the guys.

"I heard Caleb is looking for a round two." He chuckles and I push his arm off of me.

"Dylan I'm in a relationship." I say and he rolls his eyes.

"With the famous boy? Oh come on Rae, that'll never work. You guys have two different lifestyles. This is who you are and that's okay." He goes on and I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

Didn't miss the smell of it either.

"Let me see your phone." He commands and I give him a confused face. Why does he want my phone?

He takes it out of my back pocket and unlocks with his finger. I forgot he put his fingerprint in it. He does something I can't see and then puts it in his pocket.

"You can have it back in an hour. You need to talk to people." He says with a smirk. I knew how he was so I went up to some old friends.

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