Maki × soccer!player!Reader

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This is for you~


What is your favourite sport?

For me, it will be netball and always netball.

Once a netballer, always a netballer ✌

Note: Highschool AU

|Worst Christmas Ever|

Groaning, you pushed your hair back, frustrated that the ball had been snatched by the other team.

You took deep breaths to calm yourself down before resting your weight on your knees.

Come on, (Y/N). You can do it.

The ball was charging towards you, taunting you to intercept it, which was a chance you took.

“Look how cool (Y/N)-sama is!” The cheerleaders squealed from the benches, giving you more confidence.

Suddenly breaking into a sprint, you saw the attacker falter, creating an opening for you to steal the ball.

Huh. We win again.


Entering a new school was not foreign to Maki, having transferred from school to school often.

But still, the atmosphere of a new school will unnerve her as it reminded her of the new people that she will meet and the new memories she will make.

Thankfully, this will be her last move. Her father had finally bought a patch of land here in Burgess, on which he will build a new hospital since he really liked this town.

It was good news for her too. She did not want to keep moving and leave the friends she had made behind.

“See you later, honey.” Her father said,  earning him a kiss on the cheek.

“Thanks, Otto-san.”

She bid him goodbye and got out of the car, clutching her haversack uncertainly.

Surely, surely, I will make new friends. Or maybe, none at all. This way, if Dad does decide to move again, I won’t be upset.

She walked down the hallways and collected her locker number, before proceeding to place her things in her designated locker.

“Hello!” An energetic voice yelled into Maki’s ear, causing her to jump up I'm surprise.

“He-Hey...” Maki greeted anxiously, knowing that she could not match the girl’s energy level.

“My name is Kousaka Honoka,” Her blue eyes shined as she held a hand out to the redhead. “Nice to meet you! My locker’s right next to yours!”

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