Sports Relief

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Calum was standing in the cold and rain. He was waiting for you to show up, you had been running for the past three days trying raise money for sport relief. He was trying to be there every step of the way, running with you at some points. But most of the time he was trying to get people to donate. Raising as much money and awareness for the charity.

‘When is she expected to get here?’ Calum asked someone in a uniform, the man looked at his watch. 

‘5 minutes.’ He said, smiling. Calum thanked him, before walking back to Luke and the rest of the band. 

‘5 minutes.’ Calum spoke. ‘5 more minutes until she has ran 50 miles in 4 days.’ He couldn’t be prouder. 

Cheers started irruption, flags and signs started shaking and car started to pull up. Calum stomach twisted, he moved forward trying to see you. 

‘She’s here!’ Calum shouted, walking quickly to the finishing point. The smile on his face was the widest, his arms were wide and he was already crying once he saw you running up the hill. 

You also had tears pouring down your face. You legs looked weak but you found one last bit of adrenaline pumping to get you to the finish line. Everyone was shouting you on, cheering for you to get to the finish line. 

Once you made it, the whole crowd were cheering your name. Well domes were shouted in the air. Calum was the first one you went to, you fell into his arms. Tears streaming down your face. 

‘I’m so proud of you’ Calum said, kissing the top of your head. ‘I love you so so much.’


You stood nervously in the crowd. Luke was on stage, as were the rest of the band. They had all taken on challenges to raise money for sport relief. They were now finding out how much they had raised all together. 

The commentator spoke, congratulating them all on their own achievements. Luke saw you in the crowd, giving you a smile. You held your thumbs up, giving him back an even bigger smile. 

‘I suppose you want to find out how much you have raised?’ The woman said, everyone cheered putting their hands up. 

‘Well, we can tell you that you have a raised’ The lights went down for dramatic effect, a drum roll started playing.

A big number came on the screen, counting up the pounds. ‘You have raised a whopping five million, two hundred and eighty nine thousand six hundred and twenty two pounds. (£5,289,622)’ The boys cheered, hugging each other. You jumped up and down, celebrating with the crowd. 

‘Well done boys!’ you shouted, hoping they would of heard you. Luke looked towards, blowing a kiss mouthing the words ‘I love you’ before walking off stage.


You were just half way through your sport relief challenge. You had run, swam and now you were going on your way to get on your bike to ride 40 miles in a day. Ashton, your boyfriend had been supporting you, staying one step in head waiting at your pitt stops to give you support as you go along. 

‘How do you feel it is going so far?’ The interviewer asked Ashton. You were on your bike, getting ready to go.

‘I’m really proud of her, I can’t believe she has done what she has so far, and she is doing even more!’ He smiled, quickly glancing over to where you were. 

‘How do you feel she is coping?’ The guy asked. 

‘Well she keeps a smile on her face, she keeps getting up every morning and she keeps in her mind why she is doing this. And I think at the moment it is the best she can do.’ They guy nodded, thanking Ashton for his time before walking off. Ash quickly walked over to you, giving you one last hug before you set off. 

‘I love you, you’re doing so well. I know you can do this.’ Ashton whispered in your ear. You nodded, thanking him. 

‘See you at the next stop!’ You smiled, pushing the peddle on your bike and cycling off.


Michael had been doing a lot for this years comic relief, as have the rest of the boys. This year, they had been set the challenge of all four of them swimming. They had been practising for months, going down to the swimming pool and doing lengths. 

They were in total going to swim 100 miles all together in just three days. It was the first night of doing it and all the boys had managed to swim 15 miles. Now it was time for the ice bath. 

You were with Michael when he was shaking, holding his hand as he complained about how cold it was.

‘I know Mikey, it’s horrible.’ You comforted, trying to distract him from the temperature. ‘But you have to push through.’ You said. 

‘I can’t! I’m so tired, I won’t be able to get up in the morning to swim. It was horrible today and I was not on target and I’m not swimming fast enough and I have no idea what I am going to do.’ Michael rambled. You sighed, sitting on the bathroom floor so you were looking up at him. ‘Well I do.’ you say, tapping his hand lightly. ‘You are going to swim, you are going to stay positive. You are going to know that you have three other people doing it with you. Three of your best friends none the less. You have fans cheering you on, and you will have me at the end of it all.’ You smiled, hoping your words cheered him up a bit. It seemed to work, Michael gave you a weak smile, tilting his head back he closed his eyes. 

‘Thank you,’ Michael said. ‘I love you.’


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