She Looks So Perfect (Song Preference)

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“‘Cause this deadbeat town’s only here just to keep us down.”

You stared at your boyfriend Luke, slightly taken aback, and trying to process what he’d just said. “Come with us,” he repeated. “Come on tour.”

"Luke, you’re leaving tomorrow, how are we meant to arrange all that in less than a day?" you asked, unsure. "I can’t, I can’t just for months without warning!"

"Why not?" he asked, making it sound so simple. "We’ll sort it somehow! There’s nothing to keep you here other than your family, and you can always come back to visit…" A thoughtful look crossed your face as you considered his offer. 

"Come on Y/N, why stay here in this rubbish little town, when you could get out there and see the world?" he added, knowing how much you’d always wanted to travel, and playing on it so that you’d agree. You looked at him for a moment, just staring at him. You thought of how much you’d miss him if he went on tour without you, and how much you really would love to see the world. Biting your lip, you took a deep breath, still hesitant, but on the edge of agreeing.

"You’re sure the others don’t mind?" you asked, not wanting to be a burden. He nodded his head enthusiastically, breaking into a grin.

"So you’ll come then?" he questioned eagerly. Once more you hesitated for a moment, wanting to fully consider your options and be sure about it. After a moment you nodded your head, starting to smile at the thought of travelling with Luke. 

"It’s gonna be great babe," he smiles, wrapping his arms tightly around you and pulling you into a hug.


"We work too damn hard for this just to give it up now"

You sat down on your sofa and sighed, running your hands through your hair. How had things gotten like this? Only a few hours ago you and Calum had been sat watching movies happily, and then somehow you got into a huge argument, and he stormed out of your house. You couldn’t even remember what the argument was about, but you’d both said things that you didn’t mean. You just wished you could turn back time and stop it from happening, because you hated arguing with Calum. Picking up your mobile from the coffee table, you dialled Calum’s number, desperately wanting to sort things out, because it hurt so much knowing that Calum was angry with you. You heard the dial tone, but after a while Calum still hadn’t answered, and you put down the phone. Maybe he was angrier than you’d first thought, but you needed to sort this out, and so with that thought in mind, you stood up, pocketing your phone and grabbing your keys as you headed for the front door. You took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down and prevent yet more tears from forming in your eyes, before opening the front door and stepping outside. The cool breeze outside whipped through your hair as you turned to lock the door behind you. 

"Same thought eh?" you heard a voice say from behind you. You spun round instantly at the sound of his voice, and on doing so you saw Calum walking down your garden path.

"I’m sorry," you both said softly at almost the exact same time. As he got closer, Calum wrapped his arms around you tightly and pulled you into a comforting hug that made you feel safe. The two of you stayed there for a moment in a comfortable silence, both of you glad to be together again, even if you had only been apart for a few hours.

"I’m such an idiot," Calum said, pulling away a little and looking down at you. "Please forgive me? I couldn’t bear it if we threw all this away because of some stupid argument," he admitted, tears almost welling up in his eyes. 

"Cal, are you kidding? If we can get through months apart while you’re on tour, and all those stupid rumours from the fans, then we can get through this… After everything we’ve been through, I’m not letting this ruin things for us. I’m sorry for everything I said, I didn’t mean any of it, I was just angry," you told him, finally getting it off your chest.

"Me too," he said gently, hugging you again. "I love you Y/N."

"I love you more Cal," you smiled, feeling happy again, safe in the knowledge that you hadn’t lost him.


"Your lipstick stain is a work of art."

"You’ve got lipstick all over me now!" Michael complains as you give him a kiss on the cheek. You’ve just applied a fresh layer of lipstick since you’re about to go out with some friends, and after kissing him on the cheek, Michael now has a bright red lipstick stain on his cheek.

"Stop complaining!" you tell him, planting another kiss on the opposite cheek, again leaving red lip print on his skin. 

"That’s it, get out!" he jokes opening the door.

*His POV*

I stand in front of the mirror, staring at the lipstick print that Y/N’s left on my skin. I rub at the red mark, trying to erase it but only making it worse. It’s strange; as much as it irritates me when she puts lipstick on my face, I still don’t mind, because it’s her. It’s like everything she does is perfect to me, no matter what. I wouldn’t say she’s flawless because nobody is, but it’s like with her, the flaws don’t matter. Even the lipstick stain she left on my cheek is like a work of art. It seems that no matter what she does, I love her enough to get over it, and thinking about that makes me feel an overwhelming surge of love towards her, stronger than I’ve ever felt before.


"I made a mixtape straight out of 94, I’ve got your ripped skinny jeans lying on the floor."

*His POV* 

I wake to the sound of music drifting through my bedroom, and a humming sound that matches it’s tune. Opening my eyes, the first thing I see is a pair of ripped jeans on the floor, and I smile, instantly recognising them as Y/N’s. I turn my head to see Y/N sitting in the corner of the room, singing along to the music, and as I start to wake up a little more, I recognise it as the mixtape I made for her birthday.

"Turn it off, it’s too early," I groan sleepily.

"Ash, it’s midday… And besides, if you didn’t want me to play it, you shouldn’t have made it!" she laughs. Realising that she’s right as usual, I sigh, sitting up in my bed. 

"I least come over here then," I say to her. She walks over to sit beside me on the bed, and I wrap my arms around her, pulling her backwards so that we’re both laying down.

"Thanks for the mixtape by the way," she smiles. "I love it."

"Good," I reply, smiling back at her, so happy that she liked her present.

"I love you," I whisper softly into her ear.

"I love you too Ash," she replies, snuggling into my chest. We stay there for hours, listening to the mixtape over and over, just talking and cuddling; the perfect afternoon.

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